Chapter 8 - Merpeople and Misunderstandings

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Hogwarts went back to its usual hustle and bustle, but once in a while Lily would still think or dream about the Yule Ball. And every time she did, she couldn't help but giggle to herself.

It seems that after the Yule Ball the couples in Hogwarts have doubled.

Lily noticed how Cedric and Cho have been spending a bit more time together. Guiltily, she felt relieved knowing they weren't a couple and they were also usually surrounded by their friends as if all of them were always on group dates.

Her relationship with George was still the same. She and the twins would playfully bicker and tease each other, but there would be times when she and George would share this look. This look that made her fluster.

She'd remember the night they parted in the Yule Ball. Just before they separated to the stairs that lead to their dormitories.

"Thank you, George, for tonight, for asking me to the ball," Lily said.

"Did I? I think I was under a love potion during that time." George joked and Lily lightly slapped his arm. George turned serious then took her hand in his and said, "I should be the one thanking you, Lily. So, thanks, for being my date." He smiled warmly at her.

And because she couldn't help it, and she wanted to give George some kind of thank you gift, She stepped closer, stood on her tiptoes and gave George a lingering kiss on his cheek, then ran up to her room.

Lily felt her face heat up the entire night and would still feel herself blush at the thought. She was shy and embarrassed and thankfully George never teased her about it. It was like a little secret just between them.

She and Cedric haven't talked since Christmas morning. Sure, they'd see each other, say their hellos and have a quick chat, but they haven't had a long conversation or met at their spot since. Lily wanted to say it was because they were both busy, but in truth, it was because something heavy was beginning to weigh on their friendship. Something was changing.

She didn't want to admit it, she wanted to think maybe it was because of all the things that were currently happening in Hogwarts that things between them aren't what they used to be and maybe they just need some time for it to be alright.

She missed him of course, but thankfully she had people to distract her from him. The twins, her Gryffindor friends, she even surprisingly made friends with a Durmstrang girl named Katya and a Beauxbatons boy named Claude during the holidays.

Lily along with her two new friends were sitting in the courtyard discussing more about their schools.

"In Beauxbatons we 'ave extra-curricular activities such az dance leszonz. Madame Maxime sayz it iz important to know 'ow to dance through life and through a ballroom." Claude, a baby-faced boy with deep green eyes and chestnut brown hair said.

"If only I met you earlier I could have asked for dance lessons!" Lily said.

"Thank goodness ve don't have that! I hate dancing." Katya, a beautiful blonde with bright blue eyes said scrunching her nose in disgust and the two laughed.

"Ey, Lily, izn't zat boy the other 'ogwarts champion?" Claude nodded his head pointing behind Lily.

"Ah yes, very handsome isn't he?" Katya commented.

Lily turned around to see Cedric almost running towards her.

"Lily." He called out. "Erm, hello." He added awkwardly seeing Lily with two other strangers.

"Cedric, is everything alright?" She asked, Cedric was huffing and she knew he had been looking for her.

"Yes, but I need to talk to you.... If it's alright." Cedric looked at the other two who were staring at him dreamily.

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