Chapter 10 - Reparo

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The next day Lily decided to stay in their dormitory. She knew her eyes would look swollen and disastrous so she just stayed in bed. She felt too drained to move or talk to anyone. Her roommates worried and suggested she go to the hospital wing, but she denied and informed them she just needed rest.

Rest from the outside world.

So most of the day she slept there. By afternoon, Angelina came up and brought her some muffins.

"Sneaked some of those for you."

"Thanks, Angelina."

"How are you feeling?" Angelina asked. Lily knew she could see her swollen eyes, but she was thankful that Angelina didn't ask or press her about it.

"Tired" Lily replied honestly.

Angelina tried to catch her up on what has been happening lately which was apparently a lot and it wasn't even evening yet. According to her, Rita Skeeter had made an article once again this time bashing Hermione because of her supposed love triangle with Harry and Viktor.

The word love triangle made Lily feel worse.

"Honestly, she should just sod off. Anyone who believes what she writes is an idiot." Lily said.

"That's what Fred and George said earlier too." Angelina chuckled.

At the mention of his name, Lily hugged her pillow tighter.

"He's been looking for you you know, George," Angelina informed Lily, but she didn't know what to say. "He's worried about you. Can you believe it? George Weasley, worried? If only he extended that to his studies" Angelina joked.

When Lily still didn't reply Angelina continued. "Don't worry, I just told him you weren't feeling well. I hope you'll feel better Lily."

"Thanks, Angelina."

Unfortunately, Lily couldn't hide the next day anymore. She may look better but she didn't feel any better.

She didn't want to see George or Cedric. She was too exhausted to deal with any of them.

She tried to give herself some time and space. Thankfully though, it seemed that the two boys also needed the same thing as she did. So for the next three days, she didn't talk to either of them.


Lily turned to see Harry calling and running towards her. "Oh, hey, Harry. What's up?"

"Oh you know, just hoping nothing crazy happens in the next task."

"I hope so too. All of you champions deserve a well-needed break after all this."

"So, um.... How are you?" Harry asked shyly.

"Oh, you know just doing some school stuff."

" It's just that Ron told me that he noticed George was acting a bit normal which only meant that he wasn't being normal if that makes sense, and I noticed how you and George went to the ball together and I noticed how you two are avoiding each other, but also I know it's none of my business, but you were there for me when I needed someone so..."

Harry trailed off realizing he was rambling and Lily smiled at him appreciatively. "Don't worry, we're alright. Just needed some time from each other to think that's all. George and I didn't fight or anything." Blimey, Lily thought she just sounded like a mum telling her child she and his dad are okay.

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