Chapter 2 - The School Event

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"They all dropped on their bums and backs as they arrived at the Summers backyard. Everyone was too tired to even attempt a graceful landing.

"Ollie, that thing in the sky... it was, wasn't it?" Iris whispered shakily. Her eyes still on the ground.

Oleander was the first to stand. His backs on them. He didn't reply right away, unsure if he should tell them the truth. But finally, he gave a small nod.

There was a noise inside the house and he ran inside. Oleander was an Auror, and the noise was probably from his office contacting him.

"Iris, Rue, what's going on?" Lily finally asked. She had some idea, reading about it way back. But she wasn't sure and she didn't want it to be real.

"It was his mark. The Dark Lord's." Rue replied, his head was down. Lily and Cedric gasped, looking at each other worried.

"But, what does this mean? It can't mean he's back can't it?" Iris asked standing up now, but Lily could see her shaking a bit.

"I don't know. But we have to be careful, no one jokes about this kind of stuff. Lily, when do you go back to Hogwarts?"

"A couple of days from now. Why?"

"Just be careful while you're there alright? There's going to be a lot of activities that are going to happen, and you'll all be very busy but I want both of you to be careful and be constantly aware understood?"

Lily and Cedric nodded. Lily wanted to ask more about what he meant by fun activities but Rue went to the house as well.

"What do you think he meant by that?" Cedric asked.

"I don't know. It's unlike Rue to be secretive." Lily stood as Cedric helped her but winced when she moved her ankle. "Oh right, I forgot," Lily whispered looking at her ankle that was starting to bruise.

"Lily are you alright? What happened?" Iris asked hurrying next to her sister.

"Someone stepped on my ankle when I fell earlier," Lily explained. Iris took her wand and pointed it at her sister's ankle. She was a healer and a good one at that. Lily winced again as she felt her ankle healing and when Iris was done, Lily was healed.

"Thanks," Lily said.

"Come on you two, let's head inside and wait for our parents," Iris said. Iris was different from Lily, If Lily was fierce then Iris was ferocious. She had a sharp personality and that is probably why she was sorted in Slytherin during her time. She and Lily would bicker as all sisters do, but when it came to be, Iris was dependable as an older sister, and she cared about her siblings and family very much.

"What do you think they're doing right now?" Lily asked worried about her parents.

"I'm not sure. I guess we'll find out when they return."


Days later the events of what happened at the quidditch world cup were almost forgotten. Almost. The fear and worry were still there at the back of Lily and Cedric's minds but it was replaced by the excitement of going back to Hogwart's. They were in their sixth year now and Lily felt melancholic thinking how next year would be her last.

She looked and absorbed everything around her as they travelled back to Hogwarts. She wanted to forever remember every little detail.

She wanted her last two years at Hogwarts to be the most fun and memorable.

And fun and memorable it would be indeed as Professor Dumbledore announced that Hogwarts was hosting the Triwizard Tournament and that two other schools would be visiting and staying with them.

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