Chapter 4 - Afternoon Laughs

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The day of the first task was nearing and Cedric still had no idea what it was going to be about. Lily tried to research on what the previous tasks the previous tournament had but they were all so random, that it could be anything.

Harry's situation seemed to have worsened after the Rita Skeeter interview. It boggled Lily why anyone would believe a word Rita says when it's all obviousl lies not to mention overly dramaticized.

Harry and Lily had formed an unexpected bond ever since that day in the owlery. Harry would tell her all about what he was feeling, ranting about his problems and frustrations and Lily was always there to listen and give advice if she could.

Lily had 3 other siblings, but she was the youngest. She couldn't help but wonder if this is what it was like to have a younger brother, or if this was how her older siblings felt if she complained about everything to them.

But their bond grew closer when one night in the common room, Lily fell asleep in one of the large wing chairs that were facing the corner wall. She was awoken by voices and when she turned around, she saw Harry talking to the fire.

She wasn't sure if she was still dreaming, she was about to call out to Harry when she heard him say,

"...... and there are dragons, Sirius, and I'm a goner."

Lily thought her eyes were going to pop out. Sirius? Sirius Black?! She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but Lily couldn't help but feel this was an important conversation and she couldn't interrupt by suddenly popping out of the chair and simply saying, 'Oh, hello! Never mind me, I'll just get going now.'

So she listened, and with every word they spoke Lily felt nervous. They were talking about Death Eaters, and Voldemort and this really was a confidential conversation! She could just stay here and pretend like she didn't exist so it wouldn't be awkward. Yes, that's a good plan.

But the plan was destroyed when Ron Weasley came down the stairs, and from that angle, Ron could see her. After his tense exchange with Harry, Lily prayed he wouldn't turn, but he did and said, "Hey, Lily." And went back up like it was nothing.

Lily stood up to turn to Harry, his face contorted showing all signs of emotions. Fear, confusion, worry, maybe even anger.

"Harry, I swear, I didn't mean to. I fell asleep on the..."

"Did you hear everything before Ron came?"

Lily nodded regretfully.

"And did you know who I was talking to?"

Again, Lily nodded.

Harry ran towards her grabbing her arms with a sense of urgency. "Lily, please, swear to me you won't say anything about Sirius. Promise me you'll swear!" Harry was almost shaking her, his hands were firm, and his voice pleading and urgent.

"Of course, I won't, Harry. I swear. You can trust me."

And with that Harry nodded convinced. He proceeded on telling her everything that happened between Sirius and him and how only his two other friends, Professor Dumbledore-and now her- knew about the truth.

But there was something she had to do. Lily promised not to tell about Sirius, but she could tell Cedric about the dragons. She just won't tell her how she knew.

They had charms class together and was planning to tell Cedric after their class. But he was nowhere to be found. She kept looking at the door and ten minutes later, he came in. His stuff in his arms, his bag slit open.

"What happened?" She mouthed. Cedric sat across from her.

"Later." He mouthed back.

After class, both of them hurriedly went to their spot. But Cedric disappeared beside her and when she turned around he was squatting on the floor picking up some things. She neared Cedric and saw him helping Cho Chang.

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