Chapter 9 -Broken Bridges

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The next day, Hogwarts students were livelier than ever now that both of their champions were in first place. They were all in a cheery and festive mood.

After classes, Lily looked for Cedric. She wanted to congratulate him. He was now in first place! First place, how magnificent! And what's even better is he was tied with Harry!

Both Hogwarts champions, both her dear friends in first place!

First place, she was happy for him!

She was happy for him.

So so so so so so happy.

It was late afternoon when he finally saw him in the courtyard talking with his friends.

"Cedric!" She called. She asked to borrow Cedric for a while and she led him to a quieter part of the courtyard.

"Lily, I was looking for you yesterday," Cedric said.

"Oh, sorry, we had a big party again for Harry in our common room."

"Right of course. Do you want to go talk at our spot?"

"No!" Lily said a bit too loudly and he looked at her confused. She wasn't looking directly at him.

"Um, I mean it won't be long so no need for us to go there. I just wanted to congratulate you for being tied for first place!"

"Thanks," Cedric said. Lily was very cheery but something felt off.

"I heard it will be a huge advantage for you in the next task. Meanwhile, just relax and celebrate a bit! You have no idea how relieved I was when I saw your head pop out of the waters first!"

"Thank you. Lily, are you alright?" He had to ask, sure Lily wasn't herself.

"Of course I am!" She said waving her hand. "I'm so happy for you Cedric." Lily looked at Cedric this time, and Cedric gasped a little.

Lily was smiling but her eyes were slightly red and glassy.

It was the look Cedric recognized that only meant she was either crying or was about to cry.

"That's all I wanted to say. I'll see you around alright?" She quickly waved goodbye and left.

"Lily, wait!" Cedric called after her but she was running away from him.

He tried to catch up to her but she was gaining more distance from him. There were plenty of students since it was after classes and people congratulated him when he passed them and was too polite to push them away.

His eyes never left the huge mane of red hair though as he said his thank yous to the people that congratulated him.

They were reaching at the more deserted part of the castle. He saw Lily take a left, going to the viaduct but he was still far at the end of the hall. He ran faster now determined to catch her, but when he reached the crossing, turning left, he stopped dead on his feet.

At the viaduct, he saw Lily crying in George's arms. His arms wrapped around her, caressing Lily's hair, and whispering to her.

Cedric took a few steps back until his back reached the wall.

It was starting again. The bitter feeling that used to be just at the deepest pit of his stomach was now rising to his heart.

It started when he saw them laugh at the balcony, and then when he found out they were dates at the ball. He thought he'd accept and be fine at whatever was happening between her and Weasley, especially after seeing them dance so closely at the ball together. A memory he wanted to bury.

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