Chapter 3 - The Chosen Champions

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It was time. It was time for Professor Dumbledore to call on the champions. Lily's heart was racing and she was so nervous as if it were her who placed her name in the Goblet. He looked over at the Hufflepuff table to look for Cedric.

News spread like wildfire the next day on confirmation that Cedric did enter his name. They haven't really talked alone ever since that awkward moment in the Hall after Cedric placed his name in.

Not like she was avoiding him on purpose. She had to check on her cousin if he was alright, Fred and George kept annoying her more than usual and she had a lot of school work to catch up on.

But every time they see each other they would act like nothing happened which was a relief for Lily. It was best if it was all just forgotten.

She spotted Cedric and could see his friends rubbing his shoulders and probably teasing him as he elbowed them playfully.

"The moment you've all been waiting for! The champion selection!" Professor Dumbledore's voice boomed across the hall. Everyone was now quiet. The lights were dimmed and all eyes were on the Goblet.

The tension and suspense were palpable across the hall. Everyone was deathly quiet, no one even seemed to breathe.

Suddenly the Goblet's fire burned brighter and turned red and spit out a small burned piece of paper.

Everyone was still quiet as Professor caught it and read the name. His voice, breaking the tensioned silence. "The Durmstrang champion is.... Viktor Krum!"

The Durmstrang students and his series of fangirls and boys cheered wildly while everyone else clapped at the first announced champion.

Just after Krum shook hands with Professor Dumbledore and left to go to the back the Goblet once again spit out another name.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is, Fleur Delacour!"

The Beauxbatons cheered loudly as a beautiful silvery-blonde haired girl stood up to shake Professor Dumbledore's hand. She heard a few Gryffindor sigh at the sight of her.

Once again the Goblet burned brighter and out came the last name, the name that mattered to Lily. She was holding her breath as Professor Dumbledore said, "the champion for Hogwarts is... Cedric Diggory!"

Hogwarts erupted with cheer as the Hufflepuffs stood up in pride. Lily was also on her feet, jumping and cheering. She was the only Gryffindor on her feet cheering fiercely as Gryffindor hoped it would be Angelina. But she didn't care if her housemates looked at her weirdly, she was way too proud and excited for Cedric!

"Way to show house pride, Summers." Fred teased.

"Oh shut up, you know Cedric deserves this."

Miraculously, the Weasely twins shrugged and nodded in agreement. It seems their bitterness had gone now and they couldn't deny the truth.

But the excited murmurs stopped when the Goblet's fire turned red once again and spit out the fourth name.

Professor Dumbledore and everyone else looked confused especially when he said, "Harry Potter."

Everyone was obviously confused. Not only was there a fourth champion, but Harry Potter was also underage.

Lily looked over at Harry who was shaking his head but his friends had pushed him to go forward. Lily could see the bewildered, terrorized look on Harry's face and wondered what the hell was going on.

When Harry and the Professors went to where the champions were, everyone suddenly turned to each other and Lily heard all sorts of whispers.

"How the bloody hell did Harry Potter enter his name?"

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