Chapter 1 - Green Flags, Green Skies

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Events that are about to happen in this story are a mixture of the books, the movies, and my own original plot. Therefore, the story will be the same yet different as well.

I hope you enjoy!


Lily was already waiting at the front of her tent. Looking this way and that for any sign of him.

"Lily come here and help us!"

Her sister called from inside the tent. They were still setting up the interior and she's called Lily for the second time. If she knew what was good for her, she would not wait for a third. So with annoyance, she went back in.

"Stop waiting for Cedric and help us here! He'll find you when he arrives. He always does." Iris, Lily's older sister, said annoyed although she whispered more to herself the last part Lily still heard it and couldn't help but blush.


Merlin this has been happening often lately. Since when did she blush when it came to Cedric? No, no, it was just how her sister worded it that made it weird. But—

"Well, are you just going to stand there?!" Iris scolded interrupting Lily's thought.

"Oh just wait a minute, will you?! It's not like you're doing surgery!" Lily bit back.

"Girls." Their dad warned and both sisters knew it was time for them to shut up.

The Summers were busy preparing their tent as they were here to watch the Quidditch Cup. It was an exciting event. Lily isn't a part of the Quidditch house team, but she did enjoy watching the sport and she liked to play it for fun.

After they finished setting up, they heard a jolly voice greeting them, "Ahoy there, Summers!"

"Amos! My friend, you're finally here!" Seffron Summers, Lily's father, went to greet and hug his best friend. Followed by Amos, a beautiful brunette came in wherein her father turned to kiss on the cheek. "Looking lovely as ever Celene."

"And that's why we're still good friends Amos." Celene Diggory said flicking her wrist.

"I would think my personality has something to do with our friendship, but I guess flattery is where it is" Seffron teased. "Rosa, darling the Diggorys are here!"

Rosa came out of the kitchen area, her red hair tied in a ponytail but locks were still able to spring out of the hold. Lily couldn't help but grin. She always thought her mother perfectly suited her name. She was beautiful, delicate, and her red hair was a deep shade that indeed looked like Rose petals. Lily's red hair on the other hand was more like on the side of orange(really, she ought to thank her mother for naming all her children after plants rather than the shade of their hair or else she would be named carrots).

"Got here early?"

Lily turned to see Cedric smiling down at her. Yes, down at her. Because of the mysterious growth spurt, Cedric was now taller than Lily. This was the first time they saw each other since summer started because Lily and her family had to go to Scotland to visit her grandparents. But it seems in that two weeks Cedric has grown even taller.

And more handsome.

Lily didn't know when it started. Okay, she did know when. Cedric started growing on their 3rd year at Hogwarts and became taller than her on their 4th year. Which was also the same year he started gaining some weight and suddenly he wasn't the small, skinny boy Lily used to know,

But everything really changed the summer before their 5th year. It was the first summer they didn't spend together. The Diggorys went to America because of Mrs. Diggory's work and she decided to bring the whole family along.

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