Chapter 12 - The Waiting Game

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It's been 10 minutes since the last champion entered. George, who was sitting beside Lily noticed how she was unconsciously shaking her right leg up and down.

"D'you know, according to my brother Charlie, dragon dung is actually insanely good for the skin, but of course rarely anybody knows that because who would try out dragon dung."

Lily looked at him confused at the sudden, out of nowhere topic. "What are you talking about?"

"Dragon dung" He shrugged as if it was what they were talking about all along. "It's good for the skin. At least that's what my brother said"

"And how in the world would your brother know about that?"

"Charlie works with Dragons, and because of the environment, his skin broke out way worse than it did when he was younger. But every time he gets hit with some dragon dung, his face clears up." George explained.

"That's so weird yet interesting" Lily replied, thinking about the new fact she's learned, but also unsure if she should believe it.

"You know what? If I was the champion, I'd just cast a floating spell on myself or grow my legs so that I could just go over the maze." George said looking out.

"You do realize they're much taller than they look? You'd probably snap if you grew your legs that tall and you need to concentrate real hard to go that high unless you want to fall to your death."

"Oh why being such a pessimist? I bet I could do it, maybe have a broom to fly up."

"You're just finding ways to cheat the maze" Lily shook her head.

"It's not cheating, it's called strategy" George defended himself.

"With your cunningness George Weasley, I'm surprised why you aren't Slytherin." Lily crossed her arms and looked at him teasingly.

"Sometimes, I ask that myself. Fred and I think the sorting hat's getting really old and lazy and just sorts families to their usual houses. Like the Weasleys have a Gryffindor default."

"Indeed," Fred interjected beside George.

"You've been listening the whole time?" Lily asked.

"I've been hearing the whole ti-"

Fred was interrupted as they all heard a shrilling scream. The Beauxbatons students who were sitting by the front were mostly at their feet looking at the maze in worry. Seconds later, a bright flash of red shot up the sky.

"What was that? That didn't sound right." Lily whispered.

"It must be one of the challenges in the maze," George said. He and Fred were talking about the possible things she could have seen but Lily's mind was elsewhere. Was it really just a part of the challenge? But Fleur was a champion who faced Black Lake creatures and a dragon, what was so terrifying that it made her scream like she was about to die?

"I don't like this" She whispered to herself. She looked at George, "George, please tell me I'm just being paranoid. I just can't help but feel that something's not right."

George looked out at the maze. He agreed that something felt darker and heavier, but he himself wasn't sure if this was made by the tournament council for an eerie feel to the final task. He also didn't want to make Lily worry more. "Hey, don't worry. Look, see, Fleur's out with Madame Maixime." George pointed but then wasn't sure if it was a reassuring thing.

Fleur was ghastly white and shaking. Her headmistress trying to comfort her as they go to the benches.

Just minutes later, there was another red flash that shot up the sky. What was happening? They all waited as to who was coming out, only to see it was Viktor Krum.

Lily should have been ecstatic, that her two friends were the top 2 champions left. But instead, she was feeling faint. Viktor Krum was clearly strong, tough, and brave. He was the last person she would ever think to surrender at a task. What's worse was his eyes seemed dazed.

"Only two champions left! No matter who wins, it seems that Hogwarts ought to be celebrating already!" Ludo Bagman said in a booming voice. The Hogwarts students cheered. Lily tried to look at the Tournament's council and they didn't seem all that worried. Maybe it was all part of the task. It was the final task after all, and it should be challenging, and even terrifying.

Lily thought that anytime now either Harry or Cedric would appear or at least another red spark would shoot up at the sky, but there was none.

The crowd seemed to have gotten bored waiting and waiting and most of them were just beginning to talk and chat with each other. Fred, George, Angelina, and Crystal were all talking to each other. Lily tried to talk and listen to the conversation as best as she could, but she couldn't help the anxiety that was slowly building up.

"Lily, if you frown anymore, you're going to have permanent wrinkles." Angelina teased.

Lily tried to smile brightly.

"Now you just look like you accidentally wet your pants," Angelina said.

"Gross, Summers" Fred teased.

Lily rolled her eyes and retorted back. Jolly music from the school band was playing to keep the mood festive, and she was thankful that her friends were there to distract her mind. Seeing that the maze was now quiet, Lily felt a bit better, maybe they were now just racing their way to the cup.

Any moment now they'll appear, and it will all finally be over.

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