Chapter 17 - Summer

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Everything was still. The trees stopped swaying, the stars stopped twinkling, even the earth stopped moving. 

Everything was still except for Cedric who was inching closer and closer towards her.

She forgot to breath as she waited, yet her heart was pumping loudly. Memories of what she and Cedric has been through flashed through her mind from when they were younger up to when she started realizing her feelings for him.

And finally, his lips met hers. 

They were still for a second. Frozen. The kisses they shared before were merely pecks, but this one was deeper. 

His kisses were still slow and gentle but Lily could feel everything. She leaned in closer and wrapped her hands around him making sure he knew just how much she wanted him, how much she's longed for him and that subtle invitation was all it took for Cedric's kisses to go a little faster, a little deeper.

"Lily" Cedric whispered between kisses. 

"Cedric" Lily whispered back. She couldn't think of anything else. Her thoughts and her feelings were all consumed by him.

"Lily, I love you." Cedric whispered.

"I can't believe this." Lily smiled through happy tears.

"It's true. I've fallen in love with you so long ago and not only that you've saved me countless of times. I'm alive because of you. Did you know? When I was hit by the killing curse, I felt an intense heat coming from my feet. The socks you gave me protected me, and now with the potion. I don't think I can ever repay you. But I'd gladly spend the rest of my life doing so."

"Cedric, you don't have to repay me. You being here, loving me, it's all I've ever wanted."

Cedric leaned in to kiss her again, deeply and more passionately. He couldn't hold himself back anymore.

Cedric started lowering his kisses from her jaw down to her neck and as he lightly sucked on her skin, it made Lily gasp. Lily felt Cedric smile against her skin. The thought of him liking her reactions of how he kissed her made Lily feel hot and warm inside.

His kisses trailed down to her collar bone and Lily felt grateful for Cedric's thick hair since at least she had something to grasp. She felt as if her whole body, her soul was feeling lighter as if she were to float to oblivion if she weren't holding so tightly onto Cedric.

Cedric then stopped much to the disappointment of Lily. He gently lifted her hands to his lips and kissed it, then continued to kiss multiple areas of the back of her hand and arms. "I want you, Lily. I need you." He whispered almost achingly.

"I'm already yours, Cedric. Always have been, always will."

Cedric smiled warmly.  He stood and led Lily inside towards the bedroom where they both discovered that there was a different kind of magic not casted, but felt.


The sun was bright, the air was warm, and it was a perfect sunny day. Summer has always been the brightest of seasons, but this summer has to be the brightest.

They were in the same lovely cottage Lily and Cedric had been years ago. The view was still beautiful and it seemed like nothing has changed even though so much has already.

A knock and a creak and Lily didn't have to turn to see who it was. After years together she could identify his steps, even his breathing without looking.

"Summer heat too much?" He asked.

Lily chuckled and finally turned. Seeing her beloved husband still made her smile. "A bit. The view here is excellent though." This time Lily didn't look at the mountains beyond, but the garden below where her family was. A mixture of brown and red heads running around."

"I see what you mean" Cedric smiled looking at her. The most cliched and overused line, but it still made her heart flutter.

"It's what a perfect Summer looks like" Cedric continued smiling. "I don't know if I ever told you this, but did you know you've always reminded me of Summer? And no, it's not because of your name."

She looked at him with one brow arched.

"Your personality, your warmth, your smile, your hair--"

Lily chuckled this time. "Well not anymore, my hair's gone grey now."

Cedric smiled and kissed her forehead gently. "Well, now, it reminds me of the silver moonlight on summer nights."

"You've gotten even more poetic as we've gone older." She teased.

"Well, after 50 years together I should find ways so you won't get tired of me."

Lily giggled once again. Yes, even after 50 years together with grey hairs, wrinkly skin, and fragile bones, Cedric can still make her giggle like a 16-yr old discovering she has a mad crush on her best friend.

"You know that'll never happen." Lily smiled warmly at Cedric as her hands went to his cheek.

Cedric kissed her hands lightly. 

There was another knock and in came a girl with hair as curly and full as her mother's but the color of her father's. "Mum, Dad, we're about to give Maya her birthday cake. We thought you two and her could blow candles together with your cake."

"Oh no, dear, we don't need to blow candles." Lily waved her hand. It was their granddaughter's special day after all.

"It's your 50th wedding anniversary, I think you should! And also, Maya asked about it and she suggested blowing candles with her. She's pretty excited about it now."

"Come on." Cedric nodded and took his wife's hand onto his. Ever since they've been together, life has been incredibly bright, sunny, and warm, just like Summer, his favorite season for a lifetime.


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