Chapter 11 - The Maze

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Get Ready. It's The Day of  The Final Task.


To her relief, her relationship with Cedric has gotten back to normal. They met even more frequently than they used to. Discussing tricks and strategies as well as practicing spells for the final task.

Cedric told Lily that he will explain everything to her after the task and Lily agreed. It was important for him to concentrate on it as this was the most important one.

To her relief, everything seemed to have gotten back to normal despite her having little sleep juggling all her homework and exams, as well as helping Cedric.

She was nervous but more excited since today was the day of the Final Task, and after this, they could all relax. Plus, Lily was very excited this summer as she and Cedric were going on a trip.

Maybe then she would tell him the truth.

She was on her way to the Great Hall when a loud familiar voice called for her.

Turning around, she smiled, "Uncle Amos, Aunt Celene! It's so nice to see you here" Lily greeted. Although they were just her godfather and godmother, she called them Uncle and Aunt since their parents were close like siblings.

"Yes, the school invited us to watch the final task. Very excited to be here of course. You look wonderful Lily!" Celene said.

"Yes, seeing you at school like this, I'm sure your father and mother would have wanted to as well. It brings back many memories." Amos beamed.

"That's why I brought this!" Celene held up her camera that was hanging on her neck. "Go on Cedric, stand beside Lily so I can take a photo and show it to them," Celene said pushing her son.

"Mother, this is extremely embarrassing" Cedric grimaced.

"Oh shush, I used to take photos of you two together in the bath when you were toddlers!" Celene said and Lily and Cedric couldn't help but blush. The Diggory tried to suppress a smile seeing the two act all embarrassed.

Mrs. Diggory took more photos of Cedric and Lily at random areas in the castle, trying to direct them and tell them to pose, or to act natural. It was embarrassing but also amusing for Lily seeing Cedric's uncomfortable face.

"Alright, I think you took enough photos of us Mother. We should continue the tour if you want to see more of the castle." Cedric said gently lowering his mother's camera.

"Oh right, of course!" Celene agreed. "Oh Amos darling, should we go to that spot we used to go and sneak out every night?" She asked flirtily.

Cedric made a face again and Lily chuckled. Amos laughed at his wife's suggestion clearly amused. "Come on now son! Maybe your mother and I should be the ones to give you a tour." Amos said cheekily to his son.

They went their way, but Cedric refused to move.

"Hurry now, Cedric!" His parents called. 'Save me' Cedric mouthed to Lily.

Lily giggled and simply shrugged. She pushed Cedric so that he could join his parents.

Turning to another corner, Lily bumped into yet another Hogwarts Champion. Behind him was a plump, friendly-looking woman, and a tall handsome man with interesting accessories. Both sporting bright red hair like hers.

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