Acknowledgement/Author's Notes

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Hello, Dear Readers!

If you've reached this part, I of course want to say a huge thank you once again! Initially, I wasn't going to write another fanfic after "The Best Mistake" but after re-reading and re-watching Goblet of Fire, I just found myself wanting more of Cedric, especially at how handsome R. Pattinson was playing him(he was honestly the perfect Cedric haha)

At the time I started writing this, we had a huge blackout because of a bad storm so we didn't have any electricity for days! Hence re-reading and re-watching all the HP series. I even wrote the first few chapters in a notebook! I felt so old-school haha.

The idea of Lily really was that if Summer was a person. For her looks, I just thought of big red hair like Merida's from Brave and her personality to be the complete opposite of Cedric(who was like an Autumn). She was fierce, loud, and very extroverted, someone who can rival the Weasley twins.... 

......which side note: I never thought I would be that invested in Fred and Lily's romance. I first thought of George as like a motivator for Cedric where he does get jealous seeing him and Lily close together but there was nothing there. But the idea just flowed that what if George liked Lily and I kick myself for hurting Fred that way but oohh the devil in me wanted some drama.

And I'm not even kidding when I realized later that Lily was like Lily Potter with the name and hair which then led me to the idea of what if there was someone for Harry who was like a mother or older-sister figure in the time where he felt lonely? 

And as for the ending, of course, I had to give it that fairy-tale-true-love's-kiss ending! Love was the reason why Harry survived the curse so of course it's also the reason why Cedric survived it. 

So, that's it! Again, I'm just so grateful and appreciative of you who read my stories. It's such a magical thing to be able to write what's on my busy, imaginative head and get to share it with you guys. Thank you so much!

With lots of love,


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