Chapter 6 - Invitation

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Everyone was talking once again. This time not about the tournament, not even about the wretched Skeeter article regarding Lily. Thankfully, that was now long forgotten as even bigger news has washed over Hogwarts.

The Yule Ball.

The traditional ball held during the Triwizard Tournament that will happen during Christmas.

As the ball was now fast approaching the air around Hogwarts was more electric than ever. The girls were giggling and looked more excited while the boys were shy and looked more nervous.

Lily didn't want to admit it, but deep inside her, she wanted to go with Cedric. He is her best friend after all, and they have done most of their firsts and everything together and this was the first ball they'd be attending. Wasn't that a good reason for her wanting to go with him? But also.... was it the only reason?

She was hanging around with her friends Angelina, Alicia, and Crystal, all seated in the big comfy chairs in their common room talking about the ball.

"I've never seen so many students stay for the holidays. Everything just feels so exciting isn't it?" Alicia said.

"Easy for you to say. You didn't have to worry about having a date for the ball since you have Sam already." Crystal said and Alicia shrugged playfully.

"Speak for yourself Crystal, don't you have a date too?" Angelina asked.

"Oh yes, Denver from Ravenclaw asked me earlier. But before he did I was getting so nervous that I'd go alone to the ball." Crystal said, but seeing the looks of her friends she quickly added, "Not that there's anything wrong with going alone! I mean that I personally, just didn't want to go alone." Crystal tried to save herself. She had a habit of saying what's on her mind without thinking, but thankfully her friends just laughed understanding what she meant.

"So, that just leaves Angelina and Lily without dates," remarked Alicia.

But before the girls could react, Fred, who was with George, Ron, Harry, and Hermione at the other end of the common room called out for Angelina.

"What?" Angelina called back.

"Want to come to the ball with me?"

Angelina gave him an appraising sort of look and then said, "all right, then,"

"Very smooth, Weasley," Lily told Fred.

"Like your favourite butter, Summers!" Fred replied winking.

The girls giggled at the whole exchange. "Nice one scoring a Weasley twin, Angelina!" Alicia complimented.

Angelina just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Well, then, that brings Lily as the only dateless lady for the ball."

"Is there someone you want to go to the ball with? You could just ask him." Angelina suggested.

"Guys, really, it's fine. Whether I go alone or not, I'm going to have fun at the ball. Besides, if your dates turn out to be boring, you could dance with me instead. Especially you, Angelina."

The girls laughed "oh I think Fred will be anything but boring." Crystal winked and Angelina blushed making the girls laugh once again.

Later, Lily was walking around the castle to distract her thoughts. It was true what she said earlier about not caring if she went alone or not, but she also can't help but wait. Wait for the person she thought she might go to the ball with. The last time she and Cedric talked privately was the day the Yule ball was announced, Cedric had shrugged saying he didn't know who to take.

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