Chapter 15 - Sunflowers

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The room was the same as it was the last time she visited. She placed the Sunflowers, Cedric's favourites, on a vase beside his bed.

"I hope you're not sick of them even if I bring these for you every year," Lily said as she arranged it neatly.

She took the seat beside the bed. "How have you been, Cedric? It's been a while since I last came, I'm sorry about that. I got really busy at...well... life."

Lily chuckled and held his hand. They were now thin and slightly cold. She caressed her thumb on his hand, just wanting to feel him.

She tried not to cry. She never cried here, she held it until she reached home. Even after 5 years, she couldn't help it.

She was thankful of course. Thankful, that somehow Cedric had survived the killing curse. It was yet, another thing he shared with Harry now.

Professor Dumbledore was the one who informed her how that happened.

According to Harry, it was Peter Pettigrew who shot the killing curse. Pettigrew wasn't known to be a powerful wizard, plus the curse only hit the flesh of his arm. that and somehow the socks she had given him also helpedTherefore, it wasn't enough and Cedric was miraculously, thankfully, saved.

But still, the curse rendered him into a coma.

And today marks 5th year since he slept.

Lily used to visit every day, but as she got older, and had more responsibilities, she could only visit when she can. Especially since her family, as well as Cedric's, kept on telling her that she should live her life.

But how could she?

How could she live her life without Cedric in it?

But then she did try. She tried to travel, go on different adventures, and even tried dating. She tried dating one of her colleagues, and she and George even dated. After Fred died, Lily was there for him, she knew how it felt. They understood each other even more now.

They dated for about a year but eventually broke up. Both of them agreed they were better off as friends. Lily loved George, she loved him so much, and she still does and she knew he still did as well, but deep down inside they knew they weren't meant for each other.

It was a weird sort of heartbreak and understanding they both had. They cried in each other's arms on their last night together. They still kept in touch, and in a turn of events, she heard George was now dating Angelina.

Lily was grateful for that. She knew if anyone deserved George, it was Angelina, and she hoped they would both be happy.

She told Cedric everything. Her work, her travels, and dating life. He was her best friend after all.

"Honestly, it was so adorable. Harry told me all about how Teddy's hair changed colors, but I didn't believe it until I saw it myself. His hair turned red when he saw me!" Lily shared.

The door opened and Amos Diggory came in. "Oh, Lily, you're already here."

"Good morning, Uncle Amos" Lily greeted.

"It's already the afternoon, Lily" Amos tried to smile at her.

She looked at the clock and saw it was half past two pm. She didn't realize how time went so quickly.

Amos went to his son and planted a kiss on his forehead. Lily noticed how he looked worse than usual. For the past five years Amos, has gone from a loud, charming, full man, to a quiet, and thin man. He looked older than his age, his wife who used to be quite spunky with eyes full of energy was now usually lifeless.

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