-Chapter 1-

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The clinking sound of shoes echoed around the dimly lit corridors. It was dark so the guards had all gone for the night. The man sitting down, who had just previously finished his dinner, grabbed his cane and got up from the extravagantly decorated wooden table. He limped out of the room as he coughed a most dreadful cough. He checked his watch. Eleven past midnight. He was late. She hated it when he was late. He quickened his pace down the stairs of his home and into a door that seemed as if the wood had been rotten for decades before the door was made. He knew what was coming. Who was coming.

He walked down a narrow hallway into a darkened room and as he passed paintings of witches and wizards, he remained oblivious of the shadow trailing him. This man had an unusual taste. He was a Mage and had found an interest in magic, especially the forbidden dark magic. His mother once was a powerful Mage and he gained her power but unfortunately, he never had a son or daughter to collect his power from him. This upset him the most. He found the room he needed to go to and walked in. The door closed as quietly as it could but he heard the woman step through the doorway. She smiled, her sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight shining through dark purple curtains surrounding the crystalline windows.

"Good evening, Ivan." She bowed as he turned to face her.

"Hello, Christie."

"Did you bring what I asked for?" Empty suits of armor strolled towards her and as they took off her navy cloak, Sir Ivan saw she was holding a wooden basket. Her long wavy hair flowed down as if it were a purple waterfall. She smiled and elegantly flipped her hair. She was wearing a dress of dark blue with a silver crescent moon in her hair. She bowed again before saying,

"I have it. And I must say, it was hard to obtain. I do hope you are paying me well." He smiled when he peered inside the blankets of the basket she had handed to him. Inside was a baby inside with light blonde hair and bright, grass-green eyes.

"Like the summertime. He's perfect." The baby smiled at Sir Ivan as Ivan looked at him in adoration. "And you're sure this is him?" Ivan commented.

"Of course I am, am I ever wrong?" Christie waited a beat before asking, "What will you name him?"

"I'm not sure. Perhaps I'll name him after my father." He muttered and waved his hand and one of the suits of armor came to life.

"Bring this basket to my chambers." And the armor obliged, taking great care to be gentle.

"Forgive me for not asking, how have you been? No one has seen you for at least 100 years." Ivan questioned, curious of the Witch's whereabouts. Christie lit up.

"I have been all over AverDale. I have just invented a new way to fly. It was a broomstick and then I gave it a levitation spell by accident and now I can fly on it!" She said in an excited tone. Sir Ivan soon became tired of her voice.

"I think that-"

"As promised." Ivan interrupted, throwing her a small bag. She caught it and weighed the diamonds inside. She bowed yet again, remembering this was a business transaction and not two friends catching up during a dinner party. She calmed her voice before continuing.

"Pleasure doing business with you." She uttered stiffly as she turned to leave but stopped to rest against the door.

"Ivan," Ivan looked up at her, intrigued. "The other witches found a new prophecy and you should be lucky I heard about it. It's about a girl. A girl who was born this morning. She is the one you need. She will become the most powerful person since Alexander Axel, The greatest Savior known to AverDale. In fact she will be more powerful, surpassing everything we have imagined for our new hero . She will be a valuable asset and you might not survive without her. However, she may also be your doom. If you have any common sense, get her on your side or you will be dead before your son turns 21." Sir Ivan stared at the Witch in disbelief.

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