-Chapter 2-

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  Kansas woke up from her strange dream to the scent of smoke. She pulled off her obnoxiously thin blankets and looked around for a dragon nearby but all she spotted was her candle still alive from the night before. The flames danced like the twirling ballerinas that she used to watch who arrived with the friendly merchants. The village folk always called Kansas an unusual girl. She preferred books to dresses, she would stay outside in the countryside when she could and her face was bedazzled with freckles.

"Bad luck to have freckles." Everyone would say while shaking their head. "Bad luck to be a smart woman." She didn't care what other people thought but her parents did.

"If she is ever to marry, those freckles need to go." or "Honestly Kansas you need to stop filling your head with the nonsense you won't need."

She was 15 years of age, almost 16 which she loved to point out so that she could go to school by herself unfortunately her parents loved to not listen to what she thought so she had been walked to school by her friend Finnick. She could marry and her parents were very keen for that to happen but Kansas, on the other hand, didn't want to.

"I won't marry so my husband can think of me as a trophy they earned because trust me there is no way I'll marry anyone who is as arrogant as the king and I'm pretty sure that's all the boys in this plain, boring waste of a town! I can't believe you are this selfish. I know you are close to the king but I didn't know that he would rub off on you." She would say every time they brought the subject of marriage up.

Her parents were close to the king, her father was part of the city council and was one of the king's advisors. They were very important people but didn't have lots of money because they still had to pay the taxes and get a governess for Kansas but governesses were expensive and they didn't have the means to pay for one which meant she had to go to 'St. Gold's Academy for future women and wives." and she hated every bit of it. She would learn how to fold napkins and learn the difference between gold lace dresses and white lace dresses. Gold's Kingdom was a place with so little excitement that the only thing that was ever really exciting was when the travel merchants came but even then Kansas wasn't allowed to visit them.

Gold's Kingdom was one of the biggest Kingdoms in AverDale, of course, it was more of a city. It had two churches, one school (St. Gold school for girls) and one factory (St. Gold factory for boys and future army men.) there was the town where everyone lived, but most lived on the streets, and the crumbling, old city hall. The Gold's Kingdom was founded by James Gold but run by his son Chase. He was a stubborn, arrogant man who was in love with himself and no one else. The only reason he was king was that he saved the town from getting destroyed but killed a dragon in doing so. Dragons used to be creatures of kindness and had masters who lived in the dragon lair but now they were symbols of terror and destruction. King Gold wanted to go to war with them but the city council outvoted him. He lived in a castle on a mountain that was next to the village where Kansas lived.

She lived in a small house with her mother (Diana Cloudsdale), her father (David Cloudsdale), and her two brothers-Marcus, age 9, and Byron, age 17. Her father works as one of Kings Council and her brother Byron worked at the Bakery in town. He was excellent at cooking food but he wasn't allowed to help cook any of the meals in their family so the food was always bland. Byron wasn't her actual brother. They found him and a young girl, who they later named Genevieve rolling in mud as a child, and the girl seemed around the age of two and so Diana and David took them in as their own. They had Kansas and Marcus a few years after Genevieve was taken by soldiers. Byron knew they weren't his family but he would always say,

"The people who left me aren't my family. They just gave birth to me, that's all." Her father was a very important man but because the king didn't care about anyone he had all the councilmen living in the village. Lucky enough he let them have a big enough house for their family to live in but they still had to pay the taxes. Every morning when the church bells ring all the ladies open their windows and get the washing that had been hanging out to dry during the night then they are supposed to wake up the daughters and then go downstairs to start making breakfast. It was as if they had made a schedule and had to follow it. Today was like any other day for Kansas, her mother knocked on her door at 8 in the morning and said,

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