Sneak-Peak at The Dragon Age: Legends!

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Jennifer woke up. She sat up slowly and could feel the rocky ground beneath her. Her head raced with thoughts.

How long had I been out, She thought. Her hair was a mess and her nails had grown.

A while I presume. Jennifer thought to herself as she looked at her surroundings but couldn't seem to focus. She remembered the tornado and the dragon and Kansas...

"Kansas!" Jennifer shouted but quickly covered her mouth, she didn't know who could hear her, if anyone.

Where was Kansas? Was she ok? She was in the eye of the tornado and could be dead for all I know. Jennifer thought. Jennifer felt her heart palpitate quickly as she tried to catch her breath.

"Stop it." She said to herself, "You're just making it worse for you and it's not going to help you find Kansas." Jennifer felt as though someone or something was watching her but she ignored it, she knew she needed to sort out the main issues: She didn't know where she was and she needed to find Kansas. Jennifer scrolled through her thoughts and memories trying to make sense of it all. Memories kept popping in and out of her brain. She remembered a fire, the blaze going crazy. She remembered a man lying on the floor, he looked terrified. She felt as though she was holding something, a knife perhaps, sharp and bloody. Her body shook just thinking of the man. She tried to forget about the man and instead focus on a different memory. Jennifer remembered the Morgles attacking, and Jonah, Byron and Finnick.

Finnick... Something about that name meant something to her. She gasped as she realized he had told her something, something about his father.

There was something else, something else he had told me. Jennifer thought but her concentration broke when she heard a metallic door open. As the door opened, lights flashed on and Jennifer had to blink a few times to adjust. Even with the light she could barely see anything except a figure.

"Byron?" Jennifer croaked. After a second, she heard a chuckle. It echoed around the room as a deep voice spoke,

"No, try again." It said. The voice sounded like a man said with a deep voice. She rubbed her head and focused on the person in front of her when her eyes widened. She saw the bars of a prison cell, and the man infront of her smirking. Jennifer ran towards the bars but didn't get far since chains that were wrapped around her hands stopped her. The man ran his hand over his black hair and stared at Jennifer with his dull green eyes.

"You won't be able to get far with those chains atatched to you."

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Well you don't need to know that yet." She smirked.

"Well I was gonna say you are impressive but these won't hold me long." She moved her hand in the chains trying to twist out but couldn't get her hand out of the rough iron chains.

"What are these made of?" Jennifer twisted her wrists but they wouldn't budge. The man laughed.

"Magical chains." Jennifer could see the chains glowing purple as she tried to ignite a flame on the end of her finger. The moment she did, the chains tightened around her wrists. She gritted her teeth as the man chuckled.

"And another thing," The man said, "Any magic done in this cell will cost you."

"I can take it." Jennifer snapped back as she stared at him down and turned her head to the side. He slammed against the wall and half the wall collapsed on him. Jennifer thought he had died, and so did the three soldiers that were standing behind him, until he got up from the rubble. He snarled but calmed himself and dusted the dirt off his robes as he said said,

"Unfortunately your powerful friends aren't here to save you." The chains around her tightened around Jennifer's wrists tightly. She winced. Jennifer pointed a rude gesture to the man as he turned around and walked out of the room. Jennifer smirked and shouted,

"Yeah that's right, leave you coward!" Jennifer tugged against the chains but she couldn't escape. A guard hung up keys on th eside of the wall on the other side of the room and walked out.

Those must unlock the chains. Jennifer thought. I have to get them. Jennifer watched as smoke floated out of hidden vents from the floor and filled the room with green gas. Jennifer tried to not breathe them in but couldn't hold her breathe for long and soon enough could feel the effects of the vapour. She felt her eyes roll to the black of her head as she fell backwards onto the hard ground. 

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