-Chapter 9-

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     Kansas woke up in a fright. She sat up to look around to see she had found herself on a  wooden floor, that seemed to have been burnt but not badly enough that the wood was breaking. Inside this room was furniture made almost entirely out of wood. 

"This must be Jonah's home." She said to herself as Byron opened and closed his eyes. He yawned and sat up.

"What do you want, Kansas? You know I have a day off at work at the bakery today... WAIT! I remember everything, where are we? Did the angels send us here?" He said. Kansas put a hand on his shoulder and took a deep breath in.

"Slow down byron. First of all, they were Elders." Kansas said, still trying to grasp the thought of talking to immortal beings and not being dead.

"And second, The Elders sent us here, so maybe Jonah lives here?" Just as she finished what she said a creaking sound came from a hallway as a boy came into the room. As he spotted them, he dropped the bowl he was holding. It shattered with a loud crash.

"You better have a good reason for getting into my house, also how did you get in my house?" he said. As soon as he did, Jonah recognized the girl's bright blue eyes.

"Wait Kansas! I was beginning to think that you weren't coming." as she bent down to help him collect the berries that were in the bowl he dropped.

"Sorry about scaring you and sorry about your bowl. Avyanna teleported us here." she said apologetically while picking up the remainder of berries and parts of the bowl which had shattered when he dropped it. They both were picking up the pieces and then Bryon said,

"So you're Jonah?" Jonah nodded as he got up, put all the berries and shattered pieces in a bin, and went over to Byron and said,

"Yes, sir. And you are?"

"This is my brother Byron." Kansas said as Byron nodded, confirming what she had just said as Jonah walked over to Byron and shook his hand,

"I hope it's ok if he comes to?" Kansas asked as Byron made puppy eyes.

"I should think so." Jonah shrugged. Byron did a fist pump in the air as Jonah exclaimed,

"So you finally accepted the whole Savior job." Pointing at the mark on her wrist. She pulled her sleeves down and hid the mark that had previously been burnt onto her skin. She winced as she did, thinking of the pain. Jonah quickly spoke to break the tension in the room.

"I have some cream if you want. It helps with burns." As he opened a cupboard and pulled out a small jar. Byron quickly changed the topic by saying,

"Sorry about the abrupt coming but you wouldn't happen to have any tea?"


"And then the Elders told us to go through the door and then we landed at your house. I'm glad to see it's still intact and looks pretty good." Kansas finished as Byron slurped the last of his tea.

"Me too! Apparently the Fire Mages smelt the smoke and quickly put it out with their minds." Jonah exclaimed. He put a hand on Kansas's and said,

"I'm so sorry you had to go through it." Byron cleared his throat acknowledging he was still in the room.

"Anyway." Jonah said, clearing his throat and pulling his hand away. "We should go soon but you guys need better clothes though," Jonah said as Kansas saw the rips and tears in their clothes. Jonah motioned for them to follow him through the hallway that he came from before. It was filled with bookshelves with old books. Most burnt but some still recognisable.

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