-Chapter 12-

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       "So let me get this straight, you want the Ghoul Key so you can get medicine for someone you don't even know? And you know this because?"

"A tree sprite told me. It turns out that she is the Sorcerer of Time." Kansas answered.

"I know it sounds crazy and not real but it is. We promise." Jonah said. Sir George looked at the three kids in front of him. Just a few minutes ago he walked upstairs away from the party into his office to talk to a young girl because he wanted her to make him a suit. Now he was sitting in his office learning that the Savior had been to his party.

"Are you ok?" Kansas asked Sir George as his face had turned pale. Sir George shook himself back to reality and said,

"So can you make me a suit?" Kansas was surprised.

"But sir," Kansas said calmly. "Don't you have questions? Like about how I'm the Savior and that the world is ending?" Sir George shook his head.

"Of course I do! But I'm not going to bombard you with them and can't you read minds?" Kansas took a step back.

"I can do what?" She asked in shock.

"I thought you knew," Sir George said as Kansas gasped.

"Legends said that Alexander Axel could read minds." Sir George explained.

"How do you know that?" She asked suspiciously.

"Because I was his childhood friend." Sir George said proudly.

"Wait Kansas," Byron said as he put his fingers against his temple. "Read my mind." Kansas giggled.

"Haha Byron. You know I don't have all the powers that Alexander Axel had."

"Please." Byron said, trying to convince Kansas.

"Fine," She said in defeat. "But don't get upset if it doesn't work."

"I won't!" Byron said as Kansas walked over to him and put her index fingers on the sides of his head and closed her eyes. Suddenly when she opened her eyes, she was in a pitch black room. She only stayed there for a moment before she was pulled by a magnetic force and was suddenly in a town, but as she looked closer the town was in flames. People were running away from a Dragon in the sky. The clouds were dark orange and red from flames. Kansas couldn't think straight with all the comotion. She ran around looking for something to help her get out of Byron's head. Suddenly she tripped and fell onto the ground. When she got up, she saw what looked like a dead body.

"Oh my Elders." She said in astonishment. It was herself dead with her family and more people she didn't recognise. She covered her mouth.

"No, no, no, no." She said, tears running down her face.

"NO!!!" Suddenly she lost the connection and fell back onto the ground of Sir George's office.


When Kansas opened her eyes she saw three faces looking over her. Her headache was as if she'd been hit on the head by a hammer. She felt so shaky and weak

"Kansas? Are you awake?" She heard Jonah say in a quiet voice. She sat up slowly and drank the water that Sir George handed to her. Once she finished, she looked at Byron and suddenly she couldn't help herself from crying.

"Byron... I'm so sorry." Kansas cried.

"What do you mean?" Byron said, hugging her.

"What did you see?" Sir George asked,

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