-Chapter 16-

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Kansas rushed into the healing room. Byron lay on the bed as Saphia helped him sit up.

"Kansas." Byron said. Kansas rushed to his side and hugged him.

"I'll give you two some privacy." Saphia muttered as she closed the door behind her, winking at Kansas as she left. Did she know that Mason had kissed her? Kansas thought. Thinking about Mason made her face blush a deep pink but she ignored all thoughts of him and focused on Byron.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to get you anything?" She said, checking his temperature and tucking him into bed. He swatted her away and made her sit down on the chair next to him.

"I need you to stop babying me. That girl Saphia did enough of that." He rolled his eyes and Kansas smirked. "But what about you Kansas? Didn't you do a crazy powerful spell and almost die?" Kansas had almost forgotten about the spell and realised how she felt completely fine.

"I'm fine. That was almost a day ago." Byron's eyes widened.

"A DAY?!" He shouted. "I've been asleep for a day?!" She nodded realising she could've said it a million times better.

"Where's Jonah?" He asked, "Where's Mason? Explain what happened." Kansas began telling him everything that had happened in detail except she felt it would be best not to mention her and Mason.

"That much happened while I was out?"

"You were out for a day or two." Kansas said, putting a hand on his.

"Do you know the woman?" He questioned. Kansas shook her head. Suddenly Jonah burst into the room.

"Jonah!" Byron said, excitedly.

"Byron!" Jonah rushed to Byron and patted him on the shoulder. "I knew you could make it!"

"Where were you?" Kansas asked suspiciously.

"A meeting. It just started but when I heard Byron was awake I came to visit."

"Meeting?" Kansas wondered,

"Yeah, it's about the woman." Kansas stood up.

"Will you two be alright without me?" She asked. Both boys nodded and Kansas abruptly left.


"How can we attack if we don't know who she is?" Kansas listened to an elderly man speak. She looked around at the table. Around it stood Mason, an old man, a woman in her mid fifties, two men who wore silver diadems and her.

"I understand your queries Reggie, but if we track her, maybe send the twins, they could bring her back." Reggie grumbled and the twins nodded in agreement.

Reggie rolled his eyes and said,

"Gloria, are you forgetting that she beat Mason, our best Mage, and the Savior?" Gloria slammed a fist on the table and said,

"The Savior who isn't trained and can only do two spells?" Glora glared at Kansas. "And how do we know she is the Savior, I for one think she could be lying." Mason put a hand on Kansas's shoulder and said,

"Could a random girl do a spell even the Elders can't do? Could she have spoken through thoughts to Jonah? Could she have gotten through our protection dome? I doubt even I have trouble breaking through the dome and, as Reggie said, I'm the most powerful Mage here." Gloria sneered at Kansas.

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