-Chapter 21-

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Kansas felt her nail crack under the rough shell of the dragon egg. She winced and sucked the blood that dripped out of her finger.

"Why won't you budge?" She grunted, trying to grip her nails in the tiny cracks on the egg. They had finally made camp in a small meadow and almost immediately Kansas began to try to open the egg. She tried everything she could think of: throwing rocks at it to break the shell, using magic (which she didn't do well and even caught Byron on fire multiple times) and now she was trying to pry it open. Nothing had worked so far and Kansas was starting to believe it was indestructible. Maybe if she opened the egg then one of the three could become its master. She knew it was a stupid plan but she couldn't sleep knowing the Dragon inside was dying and she couldn't help it.

"Kansas?" She heard a groggy voice coming from behind her. She turned around and saw Jonah standing near her, hair messy, as always, and rubbing his green eyes. Even at night time, Kansas could see the dark circle around his eyes.

"Jonah, go back to sleep." Kansas said, more serious than she meant as he sat down next to her, noticing her bloodshot eyes as he asked,

"You want to talk about it?" Kansas shook her head, worried that if she opened up she might say too much. She could feel the worry rising inside of her, she could feel her hands shaking and her chest becoming tight again. Her hand stopped shaking as much and, as she looked down, she could see Jonah's hand intertwined with hers. She looked at him as her lips slowly formed a smile.

"Tell me about your parents." Jonah asked, trying to distract her.

"My parents?" Kansas 's voice quivered as she said, "My parents are boring."

"Seriously. What did they look like?" Jonah asked as Kansas pictured her family.

"My father's name is David, he had crazy hair like Byron and gray eyes. And my mother's name is Diana, she's very wise and amazing with medicine. Then there's Byron, one of the bravest boys I know. And then the youngest is Marcus, he loves to paint."

"Now tell me why you went to find me?" Jonah said, "Was I just too beautiful the first time you met that you had to see me again?" Kansas couldn't help but laugh as she answered his question,

"Mostly because I needed to know what you meant. You told me I was the Savior and though I didn't believe you at first there was this part of me that knew you were telling the truth and when you came to my house, I could tell you could trust me with your life." Kansas looked down.

"But?" Jonah quiered. Kansas took a deep breath and continued,

"But also because of Finnick." Jonah stopped smiling and asked,

"Finnick? Is that your boyfriend?" Kansas immediately replied,

"No way! My mother tried to get us married but I refused. I told her I wanted to marry for love."

"I don't know if many people say this to you Kansas but I certainly will. I'm really proud of you." Jonah's face began to go a rosy pink as he spoke but Kansas pretended she didn't see it.

"For going into one of the most dangerous places on AverDale just to find someone who told you that you were magical. I know I wouldn't have ever done what you did." She shook her head.

"No Jonah, I-" Kansas began but Jonah cut her off.

"Don't you see? I don't know how but everytime I see you my heart beats fast and I get butterflies in my stomach. You're smart, kind, beautiful and the strongest person I've ever met. You ran away from home leaving everything. For me. You make me feel brave even in the darkest of times and you aren't ashamed, I mean we kissed and then you sat next to me the next day like it was normal." She blushed as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

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