-Chapter 22-

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Byron caught Kansas when she fell.

"Kansas! Jonah, call your tree friends!" Jonah grabbed for the stone but then he remembered he had used it already. He got on his knees and said,

"I can't call them. I already used the Guild Stone." Suddenly he remembered he had packed something he could use.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course with my life. Wait what?" Byron said, without thinking. Jonah grabbed something out of his bag. It was a little box with the design of a drop of blood surrounded by hands.

"What are you going to do?!" Byron asked but Jonah wasn't listening. He opened the box and sprinkled some red powder onto Kansas and muttered,

"Avazandorium, please hear me now. Please save her." Suddenly Byron saw something come down from the sky. It was tall and silver like dew drops, had huge wings and silk for clothes and it's hair was flowing upwards as if it was under water.

"What is that thing?" Byron shouted as it moved closer to them. Jonah watched as it landed just above Kansas.

"It's an angel. The Angel for Blood Mages, Avazandorium." Byron's heart was beating so fast and he was close to tears as the angel pressed their hand on her heart.

"She has meddled with a dark creature. She has dark magic flowing through her veins." Byron's eyes grew wider.

"How?!" He asked in disbelief as Jonah answered,

"When the ogre hit her it used an ax, perhaps the ax had dark magic placed on it?"

"Can you heal her?" Byron asked. The angel nodded as it said,

"Se sam oh lam en." Avazandorium floated down to Jonah and said,

"She will be fine but dark magic does have side effects. Make sure this does not happen again. The dark creatures are not to be trifled with. Unfortunately she is too powerful to be healed by someone else and only a very powerful Blood Mage can heal her in this state. I trust she will heal herself over time." The angel said as they floated up into the sky and suddenly disappeared.

"Now all we have to do is wait." Jonah said, staring at Kansas hoping she would wake up soon.


When Kansas opened her eyes she went to hold the wound at her side but found no gash, no bandages, nothing. Kansas focussed more on her surroundings and realized she was laying in bed. She felt the softness and the warm pillows and wanted to snuggle into the comfy covers when she sat up very fast, earning a dizzy spell. As Kansas looked around she was in her old room.

"Huh?" But then her mother came into her room.

"Come on Kansas, It's time for breakfast. Look, you aren't even dressed! Get dressed and come downstairs." She looked outside her window. She was in Gold's Kingdom.

This couldn't be right. she thought, I was with Jonah and Byron. But if I'm here, where are they?

She quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. When she got to the kitchen, she said to her mother,

"Mother, where's Byron?" Kansas's mother looked at her disbelief and asked,

"Who's Byron?" A boy came into the room.

"Marcus, you got your shirt dirty. Kansas, wash the dishes and then cook breakfast." Her mother didn't say anything else.

Maybe it was all a dream Kansas thought, but it felt so real. Suddenly Kansas knew who she had to find. She ran down out the door of her house as her mother shouted after her. Kansas ignored all the villagers that were calling her crazy for running in the morning, and ran to the road she had walked on to get to school everyday. She stopped at the menacing forest.

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