-Chapter 14-

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     As Kansas, Byron and Jonah walked through the empty streets of the Forbidden City. they felt the cool breeze slip in through their clothes and onto their, once warm, skin. They shivered it off and kept walking.

"It's July." Byron exclaimed, "Why is it cold in July?"

"The cold keeps people from entering the city." Jonah explained,

"The frostbite hits soon after the breeze so I suggest we get a move on before we become popsicles like those soldiers." He finished as he pointed at the frozen figures covered in armor, some even on horses.

"This is pointless to be here if we are to end up like them." Kansas groaned. "I wonder if I could-" She began but Byron cut her off.

"No way, you are not doing magic. No offense but I really don't trust you." Kansas gasped in offense but silently agreed with her brother.

"It's worth a shot." Jonah said, shivering, "I mean we can't have the Savior dying, can we? And Kansas did really well with the costumes for Sir George's party." Kansas and Jonah looked at Byron as he groaned.

"Why am I always the decider? If you guys had followed me we would be at home and fast asleep." Kansas looked at him with puppy eyes until he said,

"Fine, you can do magic to make new outfits."


Kansas snapped her fingers and suddenly she was in a dark red coat up to her knees, Jonah had a green cloak and Byron had a brown furry coat with fluffy lining the outside. Kansas snorted and Jonah tried to contain his laughter. If looks could kill, Kansas would have been dead by now from Byron's intense glare.

"Of course you and Jonah get the best outfits." He mumbled

"I'll try harder next time." Kansas said, giggling.

"Where is everyone?" Byron asked, changing the topic. Jonah shrugged and said,

"The town's clearly abandoned. We might as well make camp in a house."

"Let's split up and look around. Maybe there are people somewhere else. Byron you go east, I'll go west and Kansas you go center." Once they all agreed, the three split up. After fifteen minutes of searching, Kansas found nothing. She sat on a bench sulking until felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned around and said,

"Byron was that you?" But Byron was nowhere to be found.

"You don't belong here." She heard someone whisper into her ear. She turned around but still no one was there.

"Go away." The voice said.

"Who's there?" She said, standing up. No one responded.

"You think I don't belong here?" Kansas said, "Maybe this'll change your mind."

Magic flowed around her hand and into small vines. They moved around finding the victim and when they did, they wrapped around an invisible object and squeezed it.

"Ok! I surrender!" A male voice said. Finally a human faded inside the clutches of the red vines. It was a man with messy brown hair and gray eyes. The vines let go of him and he fell mid-air.

"Who are you?" He rasped.

"I don't need to tell you that." She said, "What is your name?"

"Mason Sterth." He said. Kansas could tell he meant no harm as she bent down and held out a hand.

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