-Chapter 11-

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 Kansas gasped as she saw Sir George's home, though it was more like a palace. On the outside it was made entirely of gold with gorgeous carvings on the walls. The windows were as colorful as a painting landscape and in the middle of the garden was a large statue. Kansas recognised the person in the middle as Alexander Axel the Savior before her.

"Look!" She said, pointing at the statute. "It's Alexander!"

She noticed the amount of stone magic swirling around him.

"He must've been pretty powerful." She said practically to herself.

Jonah put a hand on Kansas's shoulder and said,

"And so are you!" She smiled at his kindness. Byron, who had paid no attention to their conversation, watched the guards as they walked around the gardens, changing spots and talking to the other guards.

"Hey guys, look at the guards." He said as Kansas and Jonah turned their focus back to the house.

"It'll be easier to sneak in at night when the party is happening so no one notices." Jonah planned. Kansas and Byron both agreed and the three of them walked a few feet deeper into the forest and started to set up camp.


Once all the guests arrived at the party, Kansas, Byron and Jonah began the mission. Since Byron was almost 18, and was tall enough to look the part, he was eligible to go in alone. Jonah, being a male, was able to go in but since Kansas was the only girl she had to go as Jonah date. Before they left their camp, Kansas knew they couldn't go into a party wearing rags.

"Guys, we can't go in wearing this." She said,

"What should we wear?" Byron asked. Kansas smirked and said,

"I have an idea." As she snapped her fingers. Suddenly in a puff of smoke, Jonah and Byron were both in black and white suits.

"Wow guys!" She said, "You look great!"

"Look at yourself." Jonah said, smirking. She looked and saw her outfit had changed into a golden dress with silver sequins. The dress went down to her knees and was paired with a small golden tiara with her hair down. Byron smiled and said,

"I think we're ready." and they walked onto the gravel pathway.


Once Byron walked into the house, Jonah and Kansas walked up to the guards outside.

"Hello good sir." Jonah said to one of the guards, "We were wondering if this is a party anyone can go to?"

The guard nodded and said,

"Of course it is! The Midnight Parade is an open party! Come right in!" The guard moved to let Jonah in but when Kansas tried to follow the guard stopped her.

"Not you missy. You're too young even with a male companion." Kansas rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. In an instant the guard moved his hand and said,

"Come right in, miss." The guard stepped aside and Kansas walked in with a smug look on her face.

Jonah was in awe as he said,

"How did-"

Kansas smirked and put her arm around his.

"It's a secret. He'll be fine once we leave."

Jonah chuckled as they walked down the long corridor.

Once they got inside the ballroom, Kansas gasped. The inside was completely covered in colour. The walls were gold but had hundreds upon hundreds of flowers covering the walls. The stained glass windows showed the Different Sorcerers and Savior with their Elder behind them. If people weren't on the dance floor then they were conversing with the butlers or trying some coconut pie. No one was upset or moody and if they were one sip of champagne or one compliment from a random person would boost their spirits to 100%. No one in the room cared whether Morgles would attack or if a Dark Mage would curse them. Kansas knew this was a place of peace and happiness.

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