-Chapter 24-

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     "Kansas, Kansas!" Kansas woke up, sweat dripping down her forehead. Jonah was sitting next to her looking very concerned.

"Are you ok?" Kansas blushed and muttered,

"Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"You've been tossing and turning all night." Jonah confessed. She noticed her hands were shaking violently but she ignored it and pretended she didn't notice. Jonah did.

"You want to talk?" He asked. Kansas nodded, still shaking.

"So tell me what's wrong." Jonah said,

"Do you remember when I was unconscious and then woke up and shot light out of my hands and now I can't do it again?" Kansas remembered.

"Um yeah I had to call an angel to save you." He joked.

"Well in that 'dream' I saw your parents." Jonah looked at her with amazement in his eyes,

"Really did they say anything?" He queried.

"They told me what it means to be the Savior." Kansas explained, "And they told me to tell you they love you." Jonah's lips formed a smile as he took a deep breath. She wanted to tell Jonah about the dream she had had that night but felt as though her throat was closing.

"Look at me." Jonah said as Kansas followed his instruction.

"You don't have to be worried about anything. Everything will be okay."

"How do you know?" Kansas snapped, she couldn't hold it any longer. "How do you know? How do you stay so calm when you could die tomorrow?"

"I don't. I cry myself to sleep some nights because I worry." Kansas looked at him sorrowfully so Jonah continued, "But I know that if I am meant to die it is for a reason and when it is time for me to die I will go willingly. I am not afraid to die but to die in vain. I promised to protect you, no matter the cost, and that's what will happen." Kansas took his words to heart and took a breath.

"Now do you think you can go to sleep?" Jonah asked as Kansas nodded. She grabbed his hand and walked back to their camp and once Kansas lay on her sleeping mats she immediately was flooded with sleepiness. Kansas didn't have any more bad dreams that night but she knew they wouldn't stay away forever.


That morning, to their surprise, Finnick opened his eyes for the first time in three days.

"Finnick you're awake!" Kansas said as she wrapped her arms around him. He smiled brightly as he said,

"Come on Kansas, you didn't think I would stay away for that long, did you?" Kansas giggled at his joke and helped him stand up and move closer to their fire.

"Finnick, this is Jonah." Finnick held out his hand and said,

"Pleasure to meet you, Jonah." Jonah looked Finnick up and down and gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" Kansas asked as Jonah took a step back.

"I've met you before. You told me your name was Haimes, why did you lie?" Finnick shrugged and said,

"Can you blame me? I didn't know you and didn't know if you could hurt me, you could've been a Dark Mage for all I knew." Jonah crossed his arms and muttered something that sounded like 'whatever' as Kansas turned back to Finnick and said,

"We need to put some ointment on your wound."

"Hey guys!" Kansas turned around to see Byron pulling a cart behind him. Kansas stood up and stormed over to him.

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