-Chapter 31-

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The Queen looked at the egg in shock.

"These haven't been seen since... well I can't even remember. Where did you find this?" She asked. Kansas looked at Jonah nervously as he nodded and looked at her as if he was saying, 'tell her everything.' so Kansas answered the queen.

"The dragon master's chief gave it to us. When we got the egg, the darkness was small and we thought that if we hurried we would get to you before the darkness spread or before the Human war started but our plan faded after we found Finnick." Finnick looked down, remembering the pain was hard for him. Very hard.

The queen placed her hand on the rough surface of the egg and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes after a few minutes, Kansas could see her face was sorrowful and scared.

"Dark magic has touched the egg and the dragon will die." Kansas felt her stomach drop as she said,

"We must save it, how long do we have?" Jonah shook his head.

"We have no clue." The queen motioned for Kansas to pass the egg to her. Kansas felt reluctant but handed it the queen who held it gently and said,

"We need to get somewhere helpful and safe so we can open it. I can feel the dark magic blazing off of it. Ezra do you feel it?" Ezra nodded and turned to Jennifer.

"The spirit room is upstairs, can you get us there?"

"Of course I can." Kansas watched as Jennifer moved her hand in a circular motion and the floor started to move. The room shook from being moved and almost everyone swayed with the room. Ezra suddenly said,

"Stop." And the crystal clear glass dome stopped. Kansas could see behind the glass was a wall. The queen lightly tapped her foot and the wall formed the shape of a door. Once they had all walked through, the queen tapped her foot again and the wall went back into the original shape. Kansas looked at the room they had entered and gasped. It was a light room with a table in the middle, bottles of powder, tree bark and other things, on shelves hung on the walls and a bookshelf dedicated just to spellbooks. Kansas wanted to read every book on the shelves but focused on the queen who hurried over to the table in the middle of the room.

The queen gently placed the egg on the table and dashed around the room gathering bottles.

"Ezra, get the Morin Branch." The queen said. Ezra walked to a small cabinet and handed the queen an odd looking branch with small apricot-colored sacks filled with sap. She broke the branch and the sap dripped onto the egg. She opened a box that looked almost identical to the one Jonah had in his bag and sprinkled powder onto the egg. The queen muttered a few things before walking over to Kansas and saying,

"The necklace." The queen pointed to Kansas's necklace which was glowing a bright red. The queen motioned for Kansas to walk closer to the egg. Hesitantly, Kansas walked forward and took Cobalt's necklace off. She held it in her palm and thought of Cobalt, making a tear roll down her cheek. She took a deep breath and looked at the queen, feeling the smooth gem and rough, bumpy chain.

"Place it on top of the egg." The queen instructed as Kansas placed it on the dragon egg. Suddenly the moment the necklace came in contact with the egg, it lit on fire, a glistening mix of red and orange. The fire was ordinary fire, the flames of red moved so gracefully and if Kansas felt any emotion the flames grew higher and higher, like skyscrapers in a kingdom. It was a magic fire. The queen grabbed Kansas and said loudly,

"The dragon needs you to power it." Kansas knew what she needed to do. She turned to the egg and suddenly her eyes began to glow a ruby red and her feet left the floor. She held her hands out to the egg and a red blast of magic hit it. She used up every emotion in her body: pain, fear, love, happiness and more.

"Don't lose focus." The queen repeated to her. Kansas could feel her energy draining but she tried her hardest to stay conscious for as long as she could. Kansas didn't know how long she powered the egg but soon enough her magic began fading. After a few minutes her magic had run out, her eyes came back to normal and she drifted back to the floor and was caught by Jonah.

"Did it work?" Kansas croaked. Jonah smiled softly and whispered,

"Let's find out." He helped her stabilize herself and as the smoke cleared, she saw the egg. The darkness had completely disappeared but the egg wasn't glowing. In fact, it looked plain, no glow, no bright light, nothing just a giant red egg. Her necklace was flying mid air above the egg and as Kansas walked up to it, it began glowing brighter and brighter. Kansas grabbed the necklace and held it in her hand. As she looked closer into the necklace she could see something had been carved into the ruby. Kansas examined it further and realized what was carved into the stone was a rune. An ancient draconic rune.

"Savior." Kansas read outloud, just loud enough so she could hear. She chuckled to herself when she thought,

Did Cobalt know? Kansas let out a breath and remembered Avyanna had given it to Cobalt. Kansas felt a smile form on her lips as she put the necklace back on. Suddenly Kansas heard a sound, a snap almost. She turned her head to the egg and out of nowhere, a line cracked the egg. Parts of the shell came off and fell to the floor. Kansas removed a huge piece of the shell and she saw a small scarlet-red dragon. She gasped at the baby and couldn't but smile brightly, as if the dragon was her own. It was her own. It opened its bright yellow eyes and looked up to Kansas. The dragon got up onto its feet and sneezed, letting sparks of fire come out of its nostrils.

"What's its name?" Jennifer asked. Kansas smiled at the baby dragon and said,

"Kai." The small group of people cheered for the baby dragon. Jonah and Byron high-fived, Finnick hugged Ezra but then let go and blushed a deep pink. The queen smiled and let out a breath.

The celebration only lasted a few minutes, however, when Kansas suddenly felt the floor vibrating madly. Kansas shushed everyone and listened to the glass bottles shaking and clinking together as the floor vibrated. The room began to shake violently and Kansas knew something was wrong. Everyone grabbed onto something as Kansas stood in the middle room. Wind swirled around the room, knocking everyone around. Finnick slammed against the wall and Ezra had to help him up and support him as he groaned in pain. Wind began swirling around like a tornado, Kansas at the center. It was so fast and violent, she could barely see anyone else. Jennifer was pushed to the ground but slowly got up and caught a glimpse of Kansas. She was standing there as if something was pulling her into a tornado. Jennifer began to move towards her.

"JENNIFER!" Byron shouted but she kept going. Jennifer reached Kansas, pushed through the wind and grabbed Kansas's shoulder.

"What's happening?!" Jennifer shouted but she got no answer, the wind was too strong.

The room suddenly stopped shaking and the wind stopped swirling around. Jonah opened his eyes as smoke clouds settled. He got up off the floor and walked slowly towards the center of the room where he last saw Kansas and Jennifer. But when Jonah got to the centre, he shouted in anger. Finnick walked over to Jonah, supported by Ezra, and said,

"What? What's wrong?" But almost immediately Finnick got his answer. All that was in the middle of the room was the new born dragon...

End Of Book One

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