-Chapter 10-

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     The young shadow followed the teenagers for three days. Her excitement for the game started when she saw magic surrounding a trio of kids coming from the young girl, but like most shadows, the hunt began to bore her. She thought about attacking but didn't know how powerful the three people were and certainly didn't want to die. She decided to leave if nothing interesting happened at night. When night fell she slept in a tree nearby, it was her normal habitat to sleep in trees since it was one of the only things she could touch. Every night the dream was the same. She was in a burning forest, running from the fire that was spreading. The blaze was too strong to run from. She could hear her family screaming her name.

"FAY! FAY WHERE ARE YOU?!" She heard it over and over again till she screamed back,

"MUM! I'M HERE!" But no one came for her. Then she felt the ground beneath her shake and break apart, falling into darkness.


Kansas and Jonah held their hands over the sputtering, popping, fiery flames. The weather had taken a turn for the worse during the day and they had to wear three layers of sweaters and gloves. They had to stop and camp in the shadow of the moon. While they were watching the fire, they began to plan.

"All we need to do is get his key which if I am correct from asking farmers, is always attached to a necklace that's always around his neck." Jonah filled Kansas in.

"So why don't we get it in his sleep that way it isn't dangerous for him or us," Kansas asked, but Jonah shook his head.

"No, that wouldn't work. How would we get in without attracting any attention and get it off him without waking him up?" He explained as Kansas sighed,

"This is pointless if we don't have a solution when Byron wakes up. I say we just head to AsDale. I don't understand the point. Hazel was probably tricking us and just playing around." Jonah shook his head.

"She wouldn't do that. She's the only Seer left, and what are her motives?" He put a hand on Kansas's shoulder, "We'll find a way, Kansas. I promise you." Her heart skipped a beat when he guaranteed her but she felt saddened to think of leaving him.

She looked at the dark circles underneath his eyes and said,

"Go to sleep Jonah. I can keep watch."

"You're a lifesaver." He muttered. She smiled as he stood up and went over to his sleeping mat. Once she knew he was asleep she grabbed her bag and began to walk away from Byron and Jonah before stopping and looking back at them. They could get the key, go to the mines and do whatever they needed to do, and meet her at AsDale. She thought. I could go to AsDale and save the world. It would be fine. She tried to walk away but felt as though her legs couldn't move. A voice inside her head spoke to her. Don't leave them unless you want them to die of course. It said to her. She tried to block it out but it sounded like a siren going off in her head. If you leave them you are risking their lives and your own and you won't be able to help the world. Suddenly it was on replay over and over in her head.

What's going on? She thought. The voice somehow came back. You won't ever be able to save the world without killing everyone you love. Byron, Jonah, Marcus, Mother, Father even Cobalt died because you couldn't save him. They will all be dead by the time you return to Gold's Kingdom.

"Be quiet!" She said, not caring if it woke someone up. ...Jonah, Marcus-

"Please stop!" -Mother, Father even Cobalt died because of your idiocy. You will never be enough to save the world. It was getting louder and louder until she felt like her ears would explode.

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