-Chapter 5-

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  When Kansas got halfway home, she passed the woods right beside the road home. Siren Forest was the most evil place there was, gnomes, goblins, trolls, ghouls and of course sirens roamed the thick trees. Sirens will pull you into the woods and bewitch you into making you do as they say. Then they would kill and eat you since human blood gives them energy and power. If you were lucky enough to survive then you could go crazy from fear. The king said that if anyone ever went into the woods they would be sentenced to die. She told herself never to break that rule.

As Kansas walked by the wood, she heard some branches snap as if someone was moving around. She assumed it was just the wind but she felt no breeze. She looked at the huge, dark whispering wood for someone or something. She shivered at the way that the trees hovered over her. She looked behind and infront of her for any other girls. No one.

Suddenly a head stuck out of the trees. It was a boy's head with messy dark brown hair and grayish green eyes. It surprised her so much that she fell backwards onto the ground. His expression, which originally was happiness as if he had found something he was looking for, to confusion.

"Who are you?" She said in a petrified voice.

The boy seemed to be scared to be out in the open as he stalked closer to her.

"No, don't be scared ma'm! My name is Jonah or at least that's what the Elders call me." He paused when he saw her lying on the ground.

"What are you doing on the ground? You'll get your pretty dress dirty." He said as he put a hand over his head to stop the sun from blinding himself.

"Elders?" She muttered to herself.

He kneeled down next to her, giving her enough space to feel safe. He held his hand out which she slowly grabbed, cautious of him. Once she did though, she felt a warm feeling rush through her. She stood up, let go of his hand and dusted herself off her.

"I promise I am not going to hurt you. But then again that's probably what you were expecting me to say." He said.

"Yeah it is, siren!" Kansas shouted.

"Consider this an act of peace, then." He grabbed a small bag out of his pocket. He threw it to her. She didn't think to catch it and it fell on the ground.

"It's a sandwich. A sandwich isn't going to kill you." She picked up the bag and to her surprise there was a sandwich wrapped in a tissue inside.

"What's your name anyway?" He questioned as she tried to figure out what type of sandwich it was.

"Kansas, Kansas CloudsDale." She muttered. His eyes widened but he could see her suspicion rising so he quickly shook the look off and stuck with a smile.

"Anyway, here take one."

She looked suspiciously at him but opened the tissue. It was a small sandwich with cucumber and cheese. She took one of the halves and gave the other to him.

"Thank you." He said, politely. He walked over to her and sat down next to her.

They sat in silence until they both finished their half of the sandwich. Jonah wiped his hand on his overalls which were already muddy.

"Now will you tell me what you want?" Kansas asked. Jonah took a deep breath.

"Promise you won't freak out?'


"Just promise."

"Fine! I promise."

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