-Chapter 30-

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As the group walked into the room that Jennifer had pushed them into, Kansas looked around and saw something that almost made her cry. The room was a lavishly decorated glass dome, to the point that it looked as if there was no cieling in white and gold. There were around twenty stained glass windows much like Sir Georges except much bigger and brighter and around 100 benches where Elves had placed themselves. At the very front of the room, there were two huge thrones and two smaller on each side. Jennifer ushered them into the back row as she went through her bag and pulled out some cloaks.

"Wear these. Most of your cloaks were taken by the Morgles but this were some that I found." She said, handing them out, "And keep your hoods up." Jennifer noticed Kansas and Byron looking at each other strangely.

"Spit it out." Jennifer said, calmly as she wrapped the cloak around herself.

"Spit what out?" Kansas said.

"Your question." Jennifer replied, still calm and quiet.

"I don't have a question." Kansas implored.

"I do," Byron said to Jennifer, "First, why did you give Finnick magic and not me? And also what were you whispering about before?"

Everyone listened in to hear the answer. Jennifer looked at Finnick who nodded as if to say, they'll find out eventually.

"Finnick is worried about his father. His father had told him to unleash a mountain ogre in the Siren Forest at special coordinates but he was worried about his fathers motives. When he completed the job he told his father via crow that he was dangerously hurt and needed help but his father told him he didn't care. Finnick is worried his father will come after him for leaving home." Kansas and Jonah gasped at Finnick who kept his head down. Byron patted him on the shoulder and said,

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Your father isn't a bad person, he just has different opinions to the rest of AverDale."

"As for why I 'gave' Finnick magic, I didn't. I think your father must've been born magical and the genes passed onto him. I sensed the magic a while ago and knew that you could help me and Kansas with the spell." Finnick's eyes widened as he looked at his regular hands as if they were green.

"So I'm magical?" Finnick asked as Jennifer nodded.

"Most likely. Congrats!" Byron crossed his arms and muttered something that sounded like 'you're lucky you even have magic' as Finnick sat in silence. Jonah tried comforting Finnick while Jennifer argued with Byron. Kansas looked over to the elves that were sitting down. She realized how peculiar elves were. They were beautiful creatures with perfect noses, sharp jawlines and beautifully colored eyes. They all were wearing silk and bright colors, their shoes were all heeled and clothes had such vibrant patterns. Some had pointy ears but others had strange shoes.

When the seats filled up, a large orchestra that Kansas couldn't see began to play as everyone rose. Elves began clapping as someone announced their queen and king, who walked in. Following them was a girl and boy about Kansas's age.

The king was a man who wore beautiful robes with brown and yellow patterns. He had brown hair with slivers of grey. His crown looked like it was made of vines and twigs. He sat on a throne made of stone that was marked with a rune.

The queen on the other hand wore a silver dress encased with gold. Her crown was made of glass with diamonds that glistened in the bright sunlight. Her pointed ears were encased with diamonds earrings and a shard of glass that ran through the top of one of her ears. She sat on a much larger throne made of diamonds that was marked with a rune very similar to the rune on her husband's throne.

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