-Chapter 3-

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Jonah walked through the thick trees. He had been walking for several hours, even got up earlier than he normally did, but did not expect that he would walk this long.

"I just don't see the point of this." He said, crossing his arms. 

"You're just scared." A quiet voice replied. He shrugged and said,

"The Elders said they wanted to talk to me and I feel like I should go. I mean how often do the Elders want to see people?! Maybe I've done something bad and will be punished!" He looked down towards the ground at the walking flower.

"I doubt it since you're like the kindest person I know- Ahh!" The flower shouted as if tripped over a moving, dark, green with not a flower in sight,vine. It slithered around the tree stopping a little higher than Jonah.

"What do you want?" He moaned, he had had a bad fight with this particular vine, as he kept walking.

"The Elders wish to talk to you." He waved his hand at the vine and said,

"I was told the same. Don't worry, I'll go. It's not like I'm going to abandon the Elders like my parents did to me." The flower sighed and said in a sarcastic voice,

"Ok, I'll stay on the floor now." Jonah chuckled and got down on his knees to help the flower up. The flower put a small, green leaf onto his hand to help themselves get up. They used two leaves to brush off the dirt. It walked over to the vine and said

"Well thanks for tripping me." The vine turned towards the flower.

"You're quite welcome. The Flower blushed and muttered something that sounded like it wasn't a compliment.

"Anyway, Jonah, you need to come with me." Jonah nodded and turned to the flower.

"Maybe we can play another time, Borso." Borso frowned.

"Ugh, you always got their stupid meetings. Can't you act like your age for once?" Jonah laughed.

"I'm fifteen, I think I'm old enough not to play hide and seek with you." The flower sighed and tried to cry but no tears came. Jonah smiled and said

"Another time Borso." The flower smiled and jumped with glee.

"We can play tag or hide or seek or oh! Hide and seek!" Jonah looked at Borso.

"I'm pretty sure you mentioned hide and seek a bit too many times." The flower grabbed Jonah's rosy, pink cheeks, looked him into the eyes, straight down into his soul, and said in a deep angry voice,

"There. Is. Never. Enough. Hide and seek. Ok?" The flower let go and smiled.

"Ok," Jonah said as he got to walk with the vine that had now slithered away. All he wanted to do was sleep but he knew that wouldn't be a possibility. Council meetings with the elder take forever, days even. Elders didn't realize the time that was passing since they lived in a timeless void of nothingness.

Elders are the spirits of those who created AverDale. They cannot come often unless something was going to happen so Jonah walked fast to make sure he didn't miss a thing. They were different colored balls of light. There were red, gold, and even dark purple. They would move around in a special pattern and form the shape of a body or animal. They were called Elders because they were older than the Queen of Elves who had been around since the beginning of the Mage War.

He made his way onto a path through the thickened trees. He walked past mushrooms, home to the WalkaWompbears, Small little creatures who were just big enough to see and spoke Wellda, an ancient language created by the WalkaWompbears. He waved to the tree sprite Daffie, who was an old friend of his, and Daffies family.

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