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The drive to the Rave was silent.

Scott had attempted to start a conversation with Sam asking why he had been at the school so late. The boy easily deflected the question, saying he had stayed to talk with his teachers, then and going quiet for the rest of the ride.

The most unnatural thing was how Stiles was acting, barely speaking two words on the ride. His hand kept running over his buzzed hair, gripping the steering wheel extra tight.

When they got closer to the building, Scott explained the general outline of the plan, and when Stiles didn't speak up, he talked about the boy's job that Deaton had assigned - spreading a powder called mountain ash around the perimeter of the building.

Sam's role was to stick by Scott for most of the night and keep watch for the reptile - only reinforcing Derek's theory that he was only his friend to watch him; keep him close.

Finally arriving, they climbed out of the car and opened the trunk to retrieve the bags of dark black powder.

"You okay?" Scott questioned Stiles, who looked startled at the comment.

"Yeah, why?"

"You just didn't say anything on the way."

"No, I'm fine. Uh, just grab the other bag." Sam could see the blatant lie on his face at the first comment, and he was sure the werewolf next to him could sense it.

"I can't. Remember, Deaton said you had to do it alone."

"Okay, this plan is really starting to suck!" Stiles grumbled, eyes flickering to Sam, who was standing there, having not been acknowledged by him yet.

Suddenly Scott went alert, turning towards the building while muttered something under his breath, then sprinting off towards what had caught his attention.

Sam knew he had to follow him, but he briefly turned towards Stiles, smiling at him.

"You got this, don't worry." He took a short breath in and out before continuing. "Remember, the hero always gets the girl. I'm sure everyone will be swooning when you save the day." He playfully said, hoping the boy wouldn't catch the 'everyone.'

Stiles let out a small laugh, eyes drifting to the ground. "Yeah, right,"

Sam looked like he wanted to do something but instead turned on his heels, sprinting after Scott. It was difficult finding the werewolf in the dark, but thankfully with a dim light emitting from the tiny flame of his palm and the fact that he had slowed to a fast walk, he spotted him.

"Dude, why'd you run off?"


Sam couldn't say he was surprised. The pair kept walking, brushing aside the hanging flaps on the entrance as the loud flashing lights nearly gave him a heart attack. Scott stuck close to a wall and then peered around a corner.

Every few seconds in the light, he could make out the girl next to that creep Matt - Allison, and she quickly spotted the boy's as well. She said something to the ugly boy next to her and headed over to the pair.

Deciding he didn't want to intrude on their conversation, he went to a drink stand - probably spiked with alcohol - grabbing an empty cup and standing there to look like he was doing something.


Isaac and Erica appeared out of nowhere beside him, causing the cup to jolt in his hand and fall to the floor in surprise.

"Hey, Isaac, Erica," The blond glanced up at him from tracing a sharp nail on the wall and then looked away again - disinterested.

"Thanks for showing Garrett around town again." He directed at the tall boy in front of him.

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