Chapter 1 - Kidnaped

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Percy's P.O.V

"-Ercy can you ... me? Gaea to seaweed brain wake up!" I heard some one say through what sounded like water, but being who I was that was no big deal.

"Five more minutes." I reply as I stretch or at-least try to but my leg hit something hard, so did my arms for that matter.

"No Percy now. We need to get out of here. Look around you" I heard Annabeth reply in Greek. So I open one eye and look at my surroundings. Were the Hades was I. then it all came back to me 'kidnap' I got up on high alert, and hit my head. Was I in a dog cage? That was new.


Annabeth and I were on our way to my mum home. After the giant war she kept on insisting on see us more often not that I was complaining. My dad had gotten me a new car blue Ford Mustang Automatic. Well when your dad own all the riches the ocean has to offer I guess getting a car is not a problem. We stop to grab something to eat at a dinner seeing as we driving from see Annabeth's family in California and we were getting hungry, after 15 hours on the road we were already haft way there thanks to some modification from Hephaestus and Leo after he came back from the dead with a girlfriend. Anyway we enter the dinner and Wisegirl ordered for the both of us. haft way through my third slice of pizza my eye got heavy just as Annabeth face crashed in her plate of fries.


"Wisegirl!" I shouted as I looked around the room, until my sea green eyes settled on startling gray ones right next to me. I let out a breath of relief when I saw she was all right and she did the same. I Looked at her sending a silent question. 'Are you okay' she nodded then mouth 'you?' I nodded. "Were are we?" I asked. She shrug I the universal sign of 'I don't Know.' then gave me a look that said 'I don't know what going on either before you ask.' Then I start to look at my surroundings, we were in a large room fill with dog cages of all sizes some had kids in them other had monsters and other animals. I lock eyes with a girl around 16, 17 in a medium size cage the same as mine and Annabeth. these people must have a lot of dogs I though. She had brown hair and brown eyes. she look at us strangely than the kids around her. like have a silent conservation. the back at us and spoke.

"You speak English right? Hi I'm Max. Do you know were you are."

Max's P.O.V

I woke up to shouting. It sound like the Iggy, then a scream from Angel followed by Nudge. By then I was upon my feet shouting what I'm not sure. I saw Fag from his room in the abandon building we choose to spend the night. then a huge hairy fist was flying to my face and I was out before I could say 'shit'

I woke up in a dark room in a you guess it ... dog cage. I looked around for the rest of my flock Fang Was already awake looking me dead in the eye so was total. everyone else was out cold, but all accounted for I breathed a sigh of relief. I look around the room at the other poor souls caught be The School. There were two that caught my attention a girl and boy about 17, 18. they look normal but they... I guess radiated power and authority even stuck in a dog cage. the girl was awake she had blonde hair in a ponytail, and startling Gray eyes that look calculating like she was analysing every thing she could. She was looking at the boy say something in some strange language. He answered. "Five more minutes." She said something else and he bolted up right, hitting his head in the processes . He look at her and said something in that strange language and she nodded then he did then they just stared at each other. He look around and his eyes settled on mine.They were sea green, he looked muscular with black wind swept hair. The power coming from him seemed stronger now that he was a wake, and I felt trapped in his gaze until Angel came to her rescue with a dilemma of her own. 'Max I can't read their minds.' She thought to me. I turn away from him and told her to let the entire flock in. Then ask if we should talk to them not realize Nudge was still out but that woke her up. She gave the guy one look then nodded quickly, followed by agreement by the rest. So I turn to him again and asked. "You speak English right? Hi I'm Max. Do you know were you are." He look at the blonde girl and she answered

"Yes. I'm Annabeth and this is Percy." She said pointing to the boy (Percy) "and no we don't." She Finished

"What Is this Place?" Asked Percy then looked on my side."And who are they?"

"I'm Nudge, that's Angel, she the youngest." Said Nudge before I could reply. "Fang, he doesn't talk much, then there's Gazzy Don't ask why. Iggy and last but not least Total." she said pointing to the dog. There a bunch of 'hay's' and 'Hi's' coming from everyone including Total. We watch them expect some sort of reaction but all we got was nod and smile from Annabeth. Percy on the other hand said

"Your dog talks?" we nodded and Total replied. "yes I do." To witch Percy say. "Oh cool. So were are we." it took me a while to get over the fact that they acted like a talking dog was no big deal.

" This is The School." I said simply

"A school?" The girl asked confused. I Shock my head.

"The School not a school. A place were scientist that we call Whitecoats do DNA experiments on kids. They add animal DNA to you and stuff. It a painful process most kids die some don't ." I said aren't I a ray of sunshine.

"How do you know all this?" asked the girl after a minute of silence.

"We Grew up here." replied Iggy looking in the direction of her voice. "We Avian-human hybrids."

"You what hybrids?" Asked Percy

"Avian-Human seaweed brain it mean bird human."said Annabeth as we should then our wings.

"We can fly too." Said Angel. "We did that a lot after we escaped." After a few minutes of unconformable silence Percy said

"See wise girl, told you school was bad." which made every one laugh. I guess they might not be bad people after all. Hours past and as we spoke to Percy and Annabeth get to know them better. It turn out that they were speaking Greek, Annabeth turns out to be really smart like genius smart, she and Percy were dating for over a year and the were caught on the way to Percy's mum. As we spoke Angel informed me that she was begin to read the minds, but she if it was because of her or because the were open up she was not sure, though it seemed some parts were still close off. They ask if we had any idea on how to get out and 'wise girl' as Percy called her came up with some ideas but none she seemed to think that would work. Our conservation came to and end when the door opened and six erasers entered the room with a Whitecoat.

"Alpha 1, Alpha 2 You coming with us." said the Whitecoat in a thick south accent as the erasers open Annabeth's and Percy's cage. that when all Hades broke loose.

Percabeth and the flockWhere stories live. Discover now