Chapter 9 - We broke a trap

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Nudge's P.O.V

I woke up in a cell with Gazzy staying down at me. When he saw me a smile broke out on his face.

"What going on? Where are we? How long have been out? How long have we been here? Where are the erasers?" I asked in one breath.

"Don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know and don't know." He said with a grin still on his face.

"Well is there any thing you do know?" I shouted at him, didn't he not realize this was not time for jokes we could die. Then I realize his smile was forced, he was just as scared and I felt horrible. "Sorry I didn't mean to shout at you Gazzy."

"Well I Know four things." He replied, acting like he nothing was wrong as he look through the window above my head which is was glade for. "We not alone. Max will find us, and its a trap." He said I look around us there a bunch of kids with cat, mouse, fish, kangaroo, bird and so many other animals parts. I turn to look away from them and to see what Gazzy was looking at. I could see hundreds of men in the rooms surrounding ours.

"We need to get out of here before the Flock get here." I said full of dread. 

"And that would be the fourth." he said his face finally serious. I think I liked better when he was smiling.

Percy's P.O.V

I have an awesome little brother. The gifts he gives are the best. My armour was great and all. I mean I can actually feels like I'm in the sea, okay no that much maybe a pond, with small fishes and, I'm getting off point, its what happen while Annabeth was trying out her new spear. She pushed tip into the ground and it made a crack. Not the angry Nico crack just a small one, and a small cat climbed out, but not just any cat, small Bob. Annabeth said that he probably came to it because it felt familiar. Like I said my brother is awesome. It was the one day since we been following the sent trail and now were some were in New Mexico. We had Mrs. O'Leary bring Ella back to Camp Jupiter which took a lot of jerky. I was currently sparing with Tyson in an attempt to get use to dual sword wielding, turn out he had a armour like mine. Annabeth was petting small Bob on her lap, Fang and Max were off gods know were Iggy was cooking and Angel was play with Total. We had just finish our fourth match when the love birds came back. Get it love birds, never-mind. Anyway Max work up to wise girl surprise to see the cat.(They weren't here when he came.) 

"So you a demigod. The daughter of Athena and Percy is the son of Poseidon and you to are dating?" I began to laugh. "What? I just thought your parents hated each other."  

""They do."" We answered. "My mother didn't want us to date but when a guy falls in hell to be with your daughter only a fool would tell her daughter to find better. And my mom's no fool, she quite wise actually." Annabeth explains 

"And my dad Know there no point in tell his kids who they can date. The whole rebellious thing we inherited from him and all. The sea hate to be restrained, so its not our nature to submit. Plus my mom is pretty rebellious herself." I told them.

"Wait fell in hell?" Max Asked

"Yea." Annabeth replied. "That were we met small Bob." At the sound of his name he meowed which sounded more like a roar, "His so cute." she said.

"Ah I can see his bones and Percy everyone has a rebellious streak." Fang announced.

"Have you heard of Jason and the Argonaut?" Annabeth asked and Fang nodded. "What of the Spartus... skeleton warriors." Fang nodded again. She was about to give the long version I just knew it.

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