Chapter 2- Pen Vs Erasers

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Annabeth's P.O.V

We spoke to the flock for what felt like several minutes but with ADHD on could never be shore and seeing how I had no way of tell the time, it could have been hours or minutes. As we spoke I found my self opening up a bit more to them, especially when I found out that they were on the ran or held captive all there life. I also felt a presents in my mind as I spoke tell me to say more. I look to Percy and sent a silent question if he felt it too, he nodded. We found out about The School, the Whitecoats, erasers, flyboys and so on. I tried coming up with a few escaped plans but I knew that the would hold water until I had more information. So we got as much from the flock as possible with out given too much about our selves, which was easy with the chocolate skin brown hair and eyes that was Nudge. A bit too easy actually. Though her first bit of info was right on the nose with Fang he was basically and older Nico with his black hair and eyes, and the fact he was all in black he also seem disappear. Angel was the one I couldn't peg. The kid blonde with blue eyes acted like a seven year old one minute the a forty year old the next. Gazzy who she was unfortunate enough to find the the reason behind the name look a lot like angel his sister, and Iggy how Annabeth was beginning to think was blind had strawberry blonde hair and lifeless pale blue eyes. and Total the Scottie with black fur and wings. The talk was going great until they show up. Six Buff guys and a skinny one in a lab coat. 

"Alpha one, Alpha two, you coming with us."He said in a sad attempt to sound more that he was. I posed myself ready to attack and I turn to see Percy doing the same with a smile on his face. If they thought this was going to be easy they were in for a surprise. As soon as the cage open we lunched ourself at the Guard dogs. Percy who finally had enough space to use sword had it out faster than I could blink, I didn't have my dagger but I still had my Yankee cap so i put it on quick. Percy slash at the first one dumb enough the step forward cutting a dip in its' chest which bleed red. causing him to pause in surprise and get pushed in the faces. but he recovered quickly and swung again as it shift cut the head clean off then stabbing the one under him. I notice my dagger in the hand of the Whitecoat as the flock called him, I kick him in the chest making give a very unmanly wept grabbed my dagger an went to help Percy. We slash, duck, cut, dodge, Percy somehow knowing were I was at all times. After a few minutes four of the six erasers were dead or out cold, but five more had come to replace them. Percy took two more down then he was hit form behind by an other. which I stabbed in back before I was tackled back in front of my cage and began to lose consciousness I through my cap and dagger in the cage the everything went dark. 

Max's P.O.V

I look at the rest of the flock to see if they were seeing what I was or in Annabeth case not seeing. The shock look on the face answered my question loud enough. Those two were taking six eraser and winning. They were amazing. I even learnt a few new moves from watching Percy, I though he was a goof when we spoke but now he was a demon with a sword. I was so shocked I did think to help until it was too late. I watch as Percy was hit from the back by the first set of six erasers while dealing with two from the new batch of five. Only to see the one that knock him out drop dead then the last of the six tackle the empty space behind it only for Annabeth to appear under him out cold. Even after the bodies and Annabeth and Percy were dragged out the room was still unnaturally quiet, that's until Iggy spoke.

"What? What did I miss? Hello blind guy hear. Can someone please tell me what happened?" To my surprise it was fang who answered.

"P-Per-Percy and Annabeth took down seven erasers. There were six then another five came as back up. They took out five out of the six and two from the five. it was ..."

"Awesome!" Gassy shouted as he began to explain to Iggy in detail what happened.

"Max do you think they'll be okay?" Make everyone stop what the were saying and look at me. 

"I don't know baby but we can hope." I said. After thirty minutes the lights went out and the flock and I went to sleep. I thought back on the days' events and the odd thing i had not notice before, like how calm those to were, or the feeling of power they gave off, how accept our wings and Total talking. How Annabeth disappeared and a sword just appear in Percy hand. Okay that I notice but they were a bunch of small things like when the said 'oh gods' instead of 'oh God' or that de-immortal something. My thoughts slowly drifting as I let sleep hold me.

Percy's P.O.V

I woke up on a table with my hands and legs tied down. I struggle against them but the didn't budge. I look around the franticly with only one thing on my mind were was my wise girl. Though I was not the only person in the room unfortunately they were all What did the bird-kids call them, oh right Whitecoats about four of them and five erasers. 

"Good day Alpha one you have a busy day ahead of you. My name Dr.Almond." Said a female Whitecoat coming closer to me with two erasers at her side. I gave her my best wolf glare and had the pleasure of seeing not only her but her guard dogs flinch. "There's no need to get like that. Now be a good boy and behave." she said with fear in her voice. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Right. A kidnapper telling someone to be good. That rich. Where's my girlfriend?!" I shouted with as much anger as I could. 

"She is fine and if you what her to remain that way you will corporate. You don't seem to understand your situation or who you deal with." she said a little anger in her voice.

"You say that like you know how I am." I said

"Oh we know all about you." She said with a smile.

"Then I guess you know I staving. Seeing as you know all about me." I replied and once again her face turn into anger.  

"Today's first test will on of endurance." She said turning her attention to her clip board. A oxygen mask was place on my face and I was out. I awoke in a large room fill with work out equipment which I new for a fact these Whitecoats have only seen from a distance.

"Alpha one to the treadmill." Said a voice from the speaker. When I refuse to move a monitor cam on with a picture of Annabeth. I did as I was told while every fibre of me rebelled I remember what my father once told me years ago.'The sea hates to be restrain.' As I got on the tread it start off easy at first but got faster as I ran. It went on like that for hours until I started to slow down then I began to get shocked. This went on until I lost consciousness only to wake up in an empty room with a plate of food and a bottle of water which I quickly devoured and then was out again. this continued for weeks. I would be put to sleep before they came in then placed somewhere were they would have me do a number of physical test they also took a number of blood samples before, after and during the test. Then one day they took me back to that table put me to sleep then I woke up back cage. My Whole body hurt and burn it felt like it was tearing it self apart, it also felt like when I took a deep in the Styx I was Going in and out of consciousness. I focus on the one thing that would get me through this 'Annabeth'. I don't know how long I was out of it but I was just glad it was over. Looking out of my cage and saw wise girl for the first time in what felt like months. She looked as bad as I felt, a sight that made my blood boil. She saw the look on my face then push her hand through the bars and I quickly grab it felt whole for the first time in weeks, then we both fell asleep like that feeling completely drained.


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