Chapter 4 - they got tattoos

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Percy P.O.V

We have been driving for at least thirty minutes and had completely lost our followers. The flock were squeezed in tight at the back, with Max on fang's lap, Nudge on Iggy's and Gazzy on by the window with Total on him. Annabeth had Angel on her in the front. Through out the trip Annabeth has been giving me weird looks whenever she was not checking up on Nudge. I gave a look that said 'what'after she bandaged Nudge wounds with the first aid kit in the glove box. She had four (one on her left arm, two on her left wing and one on her right leg.)

"How did you do that?" she said take an other sip of nectar and handing to him.

"Do what?" He asked as he took the flask.

"Percy that was a thirty millimetre bulletproof glass you through that eraser through!" I looked at her and said.

"And that was a grown woman you through across a room." I pointed out

"Well your avian-human hybrids are stronger than your average human even I'm stronger than most grown men." Angel said helpfully.

" Wait you stronger than a grown man? When Max said that i thought she was talking about the older ones, not you and Gazzy." Annabeth said surprised.

"So where are you going? Cause I'm guessing hospital are a no." I asked Max. It was clear as day that she was the leader of the group or flock.

"Um. To my mum's... she should be able to help Nudge. She's a vet." I gave a look that said 'you got to be joking'. She just smile shyly.

"Where does she live?" I ask

"Arizona." She replied.

"Exact address." Annabeth said leaning closer to the G.P.S. She shrugged

"Don't know. Near Nevada."

"Okay how do you find it?" Annabeth asked trying to be helpful. Max smiled and replied.

"It's easier to find places when you fling." Annabeth looked at Nudge for a second then turn to me. "Stop the car." Okay maybe I misheard her.


"Stop the car Percy. Max needs to get out." I stop the car understanding what she had in mind. Then we Both turn to Max at the same time. "We need you to fly up..." Annabeth began.

"And lead me to your mother's house from up there. Nudge will be okay." I continue.

"Her wounds are clean bandage and compress. So it's unlikely she bleed out or get infected." Annabeth explained. So we have some..."

"Time before we need to worry plus there none lethal." I Finished

"It's lucky that we found a car with a first aid kit then. And how do you two do that?" Said Gazzy.

""Do what?"" We asked together. "Or the finishing each other sentences." Annabeth surmised. "We known each other for years, and been through a lot together I guess."

"We never noticed until people pointed it out, and it's not luck I always carry a first aid kit in my car." I said.

"But I thought you said you were kidnapped in Kentucky?" Max replied looking confused

"We were." Annabeth replied. Giving her me a glare so scary that everyone inched away from her, all me that is witch really seemed to annoy her .

"What you think they weren't suspicious when you vanish in front of them?" I asked her.

"Well yea, but I was waiting until we were somewhere..." She stop when I mouth 'safe really' at her. "You right."

"Then how is it here? I mean we're in Arizona." Max pressed for answers. "I dough they would bring it with them."

Percabeth and the flockWhere stories live. Discover now