Chapter 15 - My cousin's my sister

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Anne's P.O.V

On my first day back to school I found out that not only was Percy back but we had eight transfer students. I was glad Percy was safe but the guy had a lot of explaining to do. The transfers though not so much, or last transfer was Matt Sloan. Need I say more, The guy was now the school bully. I saw Percy at lunch because well that when i got to school, and found everyone acting like he was in an exchange program and not missing. Now before you say any thing I had a good excuse for coming late which is none of your business. I was unable to figure out what happen to Percy because of that exchange program crap. On the plus side I got to see Annabeth. We got along quickly since we already knew so much about her from Jackson nonstop talking about her since freshman year. Well all but Amy that is, Judy on the other hand love her and Percy the moment she learnt the both had ADHD and dyslexia like her. She ask how they met and the told us about their camp. Then we went our separate way until P.E. which our classes had together and let just say that they were fit. After school Andrew drove Judy and I to my uncles were I was staying for the time being for reason you don't need to know. When I entered my uncle James and his wife, were have an other argument about Judy's plants. The kid was creepy good with them. Some people couldn't keep theirs alive she couldn't kill hers. Uncles wife, Judy step-mom hated Judy. We went to the Judy's room and let me just say it was like a jungle in there and blasted music to keep out the noise.

The next few days went from ordinary to life changing. Like the to previous days the talk of the school and in or group was the Flock. Mostly thanks to Matt, to the announce of most of the group, Percy and is girlfriend just look amused though as he spoke about how he met them. I mean there were stranger things at our school. The transfer students for example, only one of which were human apart from Annabeth. There were two sets of them three giants with about eight feet tall with pointed teeth and three vampire cheerleaders with one donkey leg and one brazen with fire for hair. The other was Alexander he was just strange. Now I could always see them so could my dad before he... died, they were always some at school but never this many. The giants were in my home-room the vampires were juniors.They all bullied the rest of the school but they seem to have a strange interest in my cousin and her new friend. A kid named Bobby in her class. The giants even joined Sloan as lackey though I fingered they were using him, and one of vampires became his girlfriend. They acted like they rule the school and any one that got in the way would regret it, and being what they were I would have to agree. The entire school were scared of them even the teachers, except two Percy and Annabeth. Actually the monsters seemed to be the ones scared of them to be honest. They would move away from my cousin every time they were near. It began to dawn on me that may be able to see them for what they were too. Then I began to notice other thing about them I hadn't before like, how at marine biology fish in the tank would follow Percy movement, or how they seem to have weapons on their person that no one seem to notice. Annabeth would just disappear in to thin air, and they gave off this filling of power and authority like they were born to lead. I could go on and on and it was eating me inside, So after wasting my week and week-end obsessing over it I decided confronted them about it.So I skipped class when I knew they both had a free period and corner them in the hallway.

"I know you can see them too." I said with my arms cross trying to sound treating as possible. They just looked at each other and said something in greek another weird habit.Then looked at me.

"What do you to know?"Annabeth Asked. I was shocked. I thought they were going to deny it, or something.

"You can see them?" I asked feel a bit more certain about it. "The monsters I mean."

"Sloan friends the giants and cheerleaders yea. So?" Percy answered with a smile.

"I won't tell anyone I promise. Who would believe me anyway. I just wanted to... " I was not sure what to say next.

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