Chapter 14 - Back at Goode

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Max's P.O.V

Okay first off. Iggy can see!!! Now that out of my system lets start over. I am not one to brag but after we land in camp and started training with the camper we stood out immediately. My Flock were the only that could keep up from day one, and even impress the demigods. Granted we had some training before we came and were bird-kids from birth. Though to be honest we learnt a lot and for once had every thing each of us wanted in one place. We also had our own cabin two weeks in( A tree house) and it kind of creepy how well Annabeth knows us. Which meant it was perfect. But seeing as our house was usually trees and abandon building I might not be that picky. This was hands down the best thing to happen to us, okay maybe not the best. there was escaping the school for the first time, and getting my Angel back, but it was up there in the top five. Plus Iggy can see now,thanks to the Apollo cabin. They are now my favourite cabin. I don't know how they did it, but after they found out Iggy was blind and how he came to be that way they took him to there cabin and would not let him out for three days. Which I might have freaked out about... a lot. I shan't get into detail. 'You banged on there door until they shot gas arrow at her which made her sleep for four days!' And here I thought you were gone for good voice. Nice to have you back. 'Thanks.' I was being sarcastic. You Think seeing as you in my head you would get that. 'I did.' ... Where was I before I started arguing with the voice in my head. Right Iggy could see and even better than the rest of us. We also got a new member named Diana. She was well a fast learner. She stuck to Annabeth like glue and in a like a week she was in the air with her and in two she caught up with us and went from okay to genius in classes. I mean we all learnt a lot of info the Athena cabin but the girl taken to the lessons like a Percy to water. The rest of the Therians also improve and learnt quite a bit over the next five weeks,Just not as much as us, but we had more experience. I guess that's why Chiron named me the head counselor for the Therians.

Now back to the present. I will admit I was not expecting The School to go down with out a fight but I did not see that coming. Were sitting around a ping- 'pong table, why I don't know and right now I don't care. After Chiron was done tell us about the situation he went to a side a sat down. Then the table erupted in chaos. I expecting him to take charge of it then tell us what to do. I mean I was not one known for listening to adults but I was willing to make an expectation on this one. I mean the guy has been training heroes for thousands of years. Why was he doing nothing? I for one was out of my depth a fight here and there to survive I get but war with thousand I had not a clue.

"His our teacher not our leader. He trains us for situations that all. And Mr.D well he doesn't do much." I turn to see Piper smiling at me. Did I say that out long. "It's all all over your face. I can read people as well as love one can. It's a gift." Okay did not know that.

"Aren't you going to stop them with your chamspeak or something." I asked concern as I look around the table.

"No need when they ready to speak the make them self heard. I said Chiron wasn't our leader never said we didn't have one. or two." I didn't need to asked who thy were talking about. In the mean time I tried to come up with salutations to the problem but couldn't solve it all, some yea all no. I was curious how Percy and Annabeth would solve it.

"Enough!" A voice rang through the room. I turn to see Percy Looked at each Parson the whole room became silent. "As Chiron said we said this is going to be different to what we usually did in the past.We There for are going to go about this differently. We are going to have each cabin do what the do best." Percy stated.

"We need some to gather information, an other to run interference and sabotage. There is also need for a find, protect, heal and Prepare for increase of new demigod" Annabeth began to explain in detail. "We will also take suggestion on anything that you think you or some else can contribute. " Then she turned to me "Max do think you can convince the Therians to help out." I Simply nodded. "Max I need you place there Therians were they would be most useful. Stolls You will be expected to do what you do best, when we find the School's Location. and Max I think you should go to cabin 15 with Pipes take your flock to they might be able to get some forgotten memories about the School if you and there other organizations." I got up at that and followed Piper. "We will meet again tomorrow to have a progress result." She told the

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