Chapter 13 - Camp Half-Blood

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Nancy's P.O.V

She was on a brown pegasus holding on for dear life with a small girl in front of her. They flew slowly at first as Percy explain what to and not to do. The kids with wings namely the flock and the two half-gods flew on there own and Tyson went on the huge dog. When we were able to well stay on the pegasus-es. Whatever they speed up and every thing became a blur. When she was able to see again she was looking at a summer come, and Nancy had to admit it was even better than what was described. The entire place seem attached yet separated from its surrounding. As they got closer Percy and Anna... Annabeth yea asked for everyone to from lines then and as we Past they said something to us. I was not able to hear over the wind.Then it was my turn as we past Percy said.

"I Percy Jackson give you permission to entire camp." Then I felt as though I pass through something not sure what. The as soon as we landed we were surrounded by kids with every weapon imaginable, and they all looked like they knew how to use them and wanted to. Nancy was Honestly about to wet her pants.

"Stand down!" She hear a familiar voice say and immediately everyone put there weapons away. She turn to see Percy and Annabeth Glide down with the Cherokee girl still on a pegasus.

"What with the wings? You two planing on explaining." A tough looking girl with a spar in her hand said.

"Yea, but after we speak to Chiron. in the mean time we need you to see what these guys are capable of, and tell the other cabin leaders to do the same." Percy said. As he move to the big house.

"And Clarisse go easy on them there not demigods so ambrosia and nectar might not work, but bush them to there limit. Piper will tell you what she knows in the mean time." Annabeth added as she too walk to a big blue house. The Clarisse turn to us with a large smile on her face and I resisted the urge to run. She turn to pipe I guessed and said.

"You heard Prissy and Princess start talking. And the rest of you. Move it!" Nancy started sprinting, behind her she hear Piper say.

"Where should I start. How about when they I.M. Jason." By then they was out of hearing. She followed the kids in front of past a lake to what the a blond with a bow on his back called and amphitheater. the there made them continued running till the dropped then after a short break they to wrestle, try out weapons and between each they were to run again. about an hour in she was Percy and Annabeth enter with a goat-man. There moment the came in the campers stop.

"Counselor meeting. second in charge you take over." He said with such authority I was surprise. "And Tyson get those three in the water to see what there can do." He pointed to the fish guys. When they left I asked why the girl teach me why everyone listen to Percy. She simply said he and Annabeth were there leaders. After everyone had gotten a turn with each weapon we asked if we had any talents, or any thing we could do after our change most people spoke about the thing s they were good at before not what they were able to do after the change.. Nancy was about being a pick pocket but thought better of it. The second in charge spoke about there gift and told us we were among people that stranger thing than we could imagine so we could speak openly. When she heard of the talent of the camper it loosen her tong and though some stayed clear of her she was accepted by the Hermes cabin. They even taught her things that made here better, and after the counselor came back they were told were they were to stay and how what they could expect. She also met Grover who turned out to also be a big short in the camp. While Percy and Annabeth lead the half-bloods, Grover lead the nature spirits. Nancy and the rest were lead by the heroes as the were also called to the dinning pavilion after a few more hours at around six there were made to sit with the Hermes cabin while the fish-men and super erasers sat with Percy and Tyson. Chiron who turn out to be a centaur stomped his hoof on the stone floor causing everyone to quiet down.

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