Chapter 11 - lunch break and new guess

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Max's P.O.V

We flew over the lake keeping watch for about thirty minutes the Flock and i landed on the bank waiting for Tyson. I still can't believe how strong those two were. Tyson arrive a few minutes after we landed,with the three fish kids behind him almost like they were drown to him. Then again being who he was that made sense. We all the went to the nearest fast food place to eat, were I took the time to explain the Gazzy and Nudge all what we found out about Percy and Annabeth. The red head though seemed to have a special interest in our conversation.

"So Jackson a god!" She said sounding scared. As if it was the worst news she hear, and I began to wonder how the knew each other.

"Yea well haft god. from what I was told the been through allot." I answered

"Yes brother and Annabeth are really strong they are the leaders of all demigods. The been on many quest and beat gods, titans, giants and monster they are very strong." Tyson said proudly, and lets say that left every on speechless.

"Pe-Percy defeated gods.?" The red head ask again and I again what to know how she new him. Tyson simply nodded as he ate his peanut-butter sandwich. I could take it all the question so I burst.

"Okay how the do you know Percy? How why did they need permission if they the leaders as you said." The Fang ask what was on his mind for a while cutting my rant short.

"And aren't you stronger than them? I man you stronger than Percy from what I saw." Tyson spoke first he explain the to group the best he could, and that Percy was once the leader of both until he gave it to his leader ship to Jason how gave it to Frank. Angel read his mind and explain it a bit better to us. We also learnt that though Tyson was physically stronger Percy and Annabeth were more powerful. and the still lead the other camp. We also learnt that the red head Nancy went to school when they were younger but that was it. We spent the an hour answering question with Tyson. Us about the school and Tyson the the gods and so on. we also. It turn out Percy got Mrs. O'Leary was given to Percy by one of Annabeth siblings before he died. he didn't know of Small bob though. Then those first guy asked why the felt like bowing to Percy and a Girl with owl wings said the same about Annabeth. Angel answered that for them. Something about spar of control.After eating we bandage the wounded and got to know the escapees.

Nancy's P.O.V

Have you every felt like you wish you could turn back time. Well that how she felt right now. the kid she pick on at school was haft god, and if that was no enough she found out his was one of the most powerful one in existence. Tyson would not stop boasting about him and how much stronger, sorry powerful his brother was than him. He told them about his quest how he was able to beat a the god of war when he was twelve, to which the flock said explain a lot. Oh and before she forgot the kid with the crushes that always followed Percy was the lord of the wild. Yep the were not look good for her.

"Were is she?" Said the girl with owl wings after an hour had pass she looked really worried about that the blond with Percy, Anna-something." As if on seven of the people appear in front of them. The flock flew into action ready for a fight but stop when the knelt in front of them. the spoke in a deep voice.

"Our Alphas has ordered us to protect you until there return. They told me to inform you that the are making arrangements for our travel." He said simple and then they stood around us protectively. Max who got over her shock that they were not going to fight asked.

"Who are your alphas?" He Pointed a finger at Tyson and said.

"His brother and his brother's mate," The little girl Angel i thing must have asked them something because he turn her and said with a smile on his face. "There challenged her.... Annabeth to a fight and found she was a dominate as ... Percy. After a while she went into the store with some food and gave it to the wolf men. the ate and then the manger of the store came out i guess to see how had order so much food and if they could pay. He was about to get upset when Tyson gave him seven gold coins, that made him do a 180. He told to just ask for anything we needed. I told Tyson were did he get so much money and he just shrug.

Several minutes pass as we spoke among ourselves Tyson told the Alphawolves for hurting them. The flock were really good at keep everyone calm and occupied a Max seemed like a natural born leader, and with seven super erasers as the Flock called them watching our back relaxing was easy. After an other hour a group of girls came the wore silver close and had bows on there back. but the stayed a good distance from us. Then thirty minutes later a boy flew down with a girl in his arm then a Girl on a horse with an eagle on her shouldered. One of the girls with the bow and arrows went outside to hug the flying boy. Finally the two we were waiting for came into view with four more with them and as soon as the entire everyone turn to look at them. Percy cleared his throat bowed to as small girl with a bow and spoke.

"Well it looks like every one here." He said looking around and the continued "So lets begin."

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