Chapter 18 - Meeting with the gods and a new home

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Annabeth's P.O.V

It has been three weeks since the last battle and Percy and I have been to the camp and home for every break we get me more than him. We now had a new problem on our hand we needed a fix quick. The School had been taken care of now there was only the slight over population of the camps and when I say slight I mean major. We tried the hunters, the Amazons, even see who want to return home. It helped but not by much. So after racking my brain to trying a solution I still had nothing. I was now sitting on a couch with with Percy being annoyed.

"If only we had more land. Then we could make a place for them but were would we get it?" I told Percy for the hundredth time. He stop playing in my head and had a far away look on his face.

"Why not ask the gods?" He finally said after a while. I gave him an 'are you serious' look. "Just hear me out. I was thinking if we made it beneficial for the gods then the might what to help us." I thought about it for a second then asked.

"But how? What can they gain from it?"I asked trying to grasp any straw that came my way. Percy shrugged then said

"I don't know more sacrifices. You the Wisegirl" I looked at him then gave him a kiss.

"Percy you a genius." I said as I ran to our room to make a call my sibling. I could kiss seaweed brain again. After a few minutes of talking we got every thing figured out and lets just say it was a plan worthy of Athena.

~~Line~ Break~~

One week later the consulars from camp half blood, the centenarians from camp Jupiter and and the leader of the Therians form both camp were in the throne rooms of the gods all looking nervous as thirty foot tall Olympians were looking down at them from there thrones bickering. Zeus after what seemed like forever spoke

"Young heroes what business do you have calling the gods." Annabeth could fell her thought go dry. She tried to speak but her voice wouldn't work. Then she felt a hand grip hers, she turned to see Percy smiling at her.

"Lord Zeus I apologized for my rudeness, but there was a problem that we were in need of you and the Olympians in." I said my heart pounding.

"And why should we help you with your problem." Zeus voice once again boomed and I could see everyone flinch. Well not the Gods of cause.

"Because Uncle it would also be beneficial to you." Percy spoke up for me, he looked so calm as he spoke. "All of you." After a few murmurs from the gods Zeus spoke once again.

"Tell us your problem and how your our 'help' will benefit us." There was a lot of voices in the agreement.

"My lord there is a over population problem at the camps..." We explained about how the problem came to be, from getting caught by The School to how we defeat them. Though we might have made it sound like we fought for the Olympus more than any thing else. Then there problem we faced and the solution we came too. I could see my mother already figured it out and thought it was a good idea that boost in confidence

"Yes I see your problem but how does our help help us." Aphrodite asked.

"Well we know that the gods become more powerful the more followers you have and if you take into account the speed of which these settlement will grow there would be an the next Greece and Rome just more advance. But they would have the same beliefs." I pointed out

"I am sure you felt an increase in the sacrifices over the pass month. That number will increase over time. Plus the fact that the know the gods are real would also mean that they would sacrifice to you all on a regular basis. For example my dad when fishing, Lord Zeus when flying or the weather. Artemis in fights and Queen Hera in marriage." As Percy spoke I realize some thing.

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