Chapter 3- Escape

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Annabeth's P.O.V

After waking up on a coroner's table to say she was freaking out Would be an understatement. Then being told to corporate by her captors. Annabeth first thought was to tell them off, but she held her tongue not because she was scared. No, because she was wise. For weeks she did everything she was told. every exercise with out complaint, even trying to boast they ego to ensure the security would relax on her. She never tried to escape though even when the opportunity came, and her hard work paid off. She now knew the layout of the building. Now all she needed was to find Percy, yep things were all going according to plan, until that is they injected her with those substances. Now she was back to were she started from, just in a lot more pain.A dog cage. She had never felt pain like this and she wanted it to stop. It felt like she was dying, but she couldn't not until he knew Percy was safe and free. So that what she picture though the pain, and now that it was subsiding the the first thing she saw was Percy. Not fine per say but still alive. the eyes locked and a wave of anger washed over his face. he was hurt but his first thought was still her. She stretched her and through the bars of the cage and his reached out for her's. Then she fell asleep still holding him to ensure he was real.

Annabeth woke up to the sound of crying. She looked around and saw a child no older than six. She looked like she had scale growing on her back and a long snout. The sight filled her with anger, what kind of person could make a little kid cry like that at night... night. It was night and she could see as clear as day, she also notice that her other senses were also acting up. She sifted her weight while squeezing Percy hand to wake him, and in the attempt she felt two lumps on her back. Two large feathery bumps, she let of a scream worthy of breaking glass. Affectively waking Percy and everyone in probably the entire building.

"What! Annabeth in is it another dream? Are you asleep? I here, It okay." Percy said squeezing hand as he spoke. She just shock her head and pointed to her back, after a few second Percy eyes got huge. He turned to see his back and yep he had wings to.

"Guess I should say welcome to the avian- human species." Said Max with a sad smile on her face. I tried to explain that I screamed because I was startled, when I saw her look, but she shrug it off like it was nothing. I asked if it was normal to see in the night for them every one nodded except for Iggy. Their began to bombarded them with questions about what else they should expect. While the flock seem to have an interesting set of abilities. Especially Angel the apparent mind reader. Annabeth began to inspect her wings the look like owl wings, eagle, owl wings. she turn to Percy to asked about his ways.

"Percy what ki..." she started

"Osprey, pegasus mix." He answered simply, still looking at his wings like they weren't his.

Max's P.O.V

After Percy and Annabeth were dragged out, the flock were left alone for the most part. They were each taken only twice in the past three weeks. Total wasn't taken at all and for once he was fine with being forgotten and all they did was take blood samples. Then they finally brought in an unconscious Annabeth followed shortly by Percy. They looked horrible, both sweating and extremely pale, witch really stood out see as they were both really tan when we first saw them. Max thinks Percy was also steaming. Things were quite for the first hour or so then began the blood curdling screams followed by deafening silence, then it would begin again. Then came the sounds of bones creaking muscles tearing vomiting and so much worst. This went on for three days. On the fourth day after days with out sleep I work up to see the pair finally sleeping quietly hand stretch out of the cage to hold each other. So I went to finally when an continue my much needed rest, only to be awaken by another scream. Annabeth was sitting her cage examining her new appendage.

"Guess I should say welcome to the avian- human species." I said with a small sad smile. thinking of all the had times she had ahead. She took the wrong way and said

"Sorry they just surprised me I don't hate them or anything." but I just shrugged it off then spoke to them about what to expect, and I must Percy didn't look happy about the whole flying thing. They seemed to know exactly what kind of bird they were though. They spoke some more as they ate. We told them about our abilities and they told us a bit more about them selves. Something about a camp and parents and when they were done Annabeth drop the boom shell. "Is this place connected to the lab? like the whole thing's one building"

"Yea. Why?" answered Iggy.

"Because I think I know how to escape this place." She replied simply, looking much better in just a few minutes, but Percy looked almost completely recovered. It was strange seeing as he barely and only drank his water and haft of Annabeth's, given her almost all of his food.

"Really!" I said a bit louder than I should but come on wouldn't you? She nodded

"Yep memorised the building layout and the shift change. Oh and someone coming... three to be exact." she said looking at us.

"Two of them are erasers. It looks like our hear improve as well." Said Percy. "What do you what to do wise girl."

"Just wait for my signal." then she disappeared.her cage doors open and close.then the room door open two eraser entered followed by a female Whitecoat. She had mask in one hand a gas can in the other. I then heard a clicking noise at my cage and it open slightly. Then someone shouted "Now!"

Percy P.O.V

I Shot out of the cage so fast that the first erasers didn't even have time to reacted, then punched the second on his snout and to my surprise he Sailed through the air and hit the wall with a sicken crack. Dr. Almond was wrestling for her mask with open space before she flew across the room herself. I turn too see angel kicking the First eraser. then Annabeth appears in front of me

"Well lets go." she said running to the door with the flock and I hot on her tail. We never slowed down or stopped, though we both were a bit unsteady on our feet. So I tried to pull my wings as close to my back as possible until I felt my back got light, and my balance right again and seemed so did Annabeth as we picked up speed as we climbed up the steps. Nothing stop us we sprinted for the exist, any one in the way was knocked out and I must say the flock could really hold there own. I was now running along side Annabeth when we reach a pact of at-least fifteen erasers, so I did the only thing I could. I step in front and use the first eraser I reached to through into the window. Annabeth was about to say something when the window broke I jump through waiting for her to fallow. lucky we were on the Ground floor. She came a second later followed by the flock who shot into the sky. We ran to the parking lot and jumped in my car and sped off. When we were about 3 miles away we heard a gun shoot followed by a scream. I slammed on the breaks and turn to look at Annabeth, she simply nodded. I turned the car and wise girl look for sign of any the flock. We saw a group of people running, two of which were dragging an other between then and some Jeeps closing in on them. We got to them first and I notice Nudge was the one shoot. I pick her up and ran to my car, we were in the middle of nowhere with armed dog men hot one our tail. When the rest of the flock were squeezed in, we heard people or dogs (your pick) open fire once more I gunned the engine and we speed off with speeds you could only get from a car upgraded by a god.

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