Chapter 8 - Revealing, Gifts and a Rescue mission

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Max's P.O.V

 Okay so I totally lost my cool again. Its my thing you take my family I freak out. So you can understand why I would want to fly in circle until I found them, our why I need Fang. He was my right hand man, my rock, when I lose my cool he gets cool. For example noticing the best way to save Nudge and Gazzy was by not tiring our selves out. So we went to my mom's ate and got our salves patched up. I love that after everything that has happen she still left the key were she first told me she hid it. Then we brain storm on how to find Nudge and Gazzy. Then reunited with a very welcome guest, that could solve our problem.

"So how did you know we needed help, or where we were anyway?" I asked after I let them inside. "Not that we not happy you did." I finished.

"Well we came to tell you that the place we told you about.The permanent safe sport we told you about, well we got you in. " Annabeth replied.

"And when we got to the cave we found... a lot of dead bodies. Nice job by the way." Percy said to Iggy how nodded back, then got knocked behind the head by Annabeth. 

"Anyway then followed your sent here. That's pretty much it." She finishes. "I take it they have Nudge and Gazzy. So I guess we will have to find them before we take you Camp Jupiter." She turn to Percy and begins to she something in greek but he cut her off.

"You know wise-girl maybe we should just tell them. We were planing to any way." I have know idea what the were talking about, and was about to tell them this wasn't the time for that but Percy wasn't done. "Plus we might need help from camp and we need them trust us more. You and I both know you going to need more info on The School." Annabeth thought about it for a second, then looked at us.

"I know we in a harry so I'll make this quick. Percy and I are demigods. That mean half god, half human. I'm Annabeth Chase daughter of Frederick Chase and Athena, goddess of wisdom and Battle strategy." She motions to Percy.

I'm Perseus Jackson son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon, god of the sea earthquakes and storms." He told us and let me tell you I did not see that coming. They told us what they call the short watered-down (Percy choice of word not mine.) of their life and lets just say Annabeth was right I did wish that box hadn't opened . Half way through our talk Percy left and when he came back he looked annoyed on his face and some groceries in his hands.

"What's wrong!" Annabeth asked even though she could not see him.

"Well there is good news and bad news. Which do you want first." He said as walked to the back door.

"Well I think we need to leave every thing on a happy note, so bad news." Annabeth got up and motion for us to follow as she answered.

"Okay basically no back up from Rome. The good news is Tyson on his way and he comes baring gifts. Oh and Mrs. O'Leary.".

"Who's Tyson and Mrs. O'Leary?" Angel asked excited.

"Tyson is my brother and Mrs. O'Leary is my dog." Percy answered. looking intently at the tree line in the back.

"You dog have dog named Mrs. O'Leary?" I asked trying not to laugh, and I see Fang doing the same

"Yea. She a real softy."Annabeth answers as she came outside with a bucket of water. I give her a questioning look. "She also loves liking Percy. Oh and you might want to put Magnolia inside, we don't want Mrs O'Leary to frighten her."

"So where are they now?" I asked getting impatient. 

"Well when I spoke to Tyson he was at Camp Jupiter and he said he would need fifteen minutes to get every thing we need and it's been..."

"Seventeen. So, they, should, be, here... now." As if on cue the tree line darken and a huge dog the size of a tank with blood red eyes came out of the shadow, and then I did something I have never done in my life. I screamed like a girly girl. Total ran inside, Fang shot in the air with Iggy on his tail and Angel hides behind Annabeth who calmly watch ad the monster jumps on her boyfriend.

"Okay Mrs. O'Leary give him back. His mine not yours." Annabeth says to the creature which give a bark that was louder than artillery gun. "fine we'll share him." By now the Flock was catching up on what was going on.

"Brother, Annabeth! You okay." asked a guy who stood about seven feet and had one eye with a bird kid on his shoulder.

"Tyson, Ella..." the huge dog barks cutting Percy of. "Yes you too Mrs. O'Leary. Come on let me introduce you."

Annabeth's P.O.V.

After everyone calmed down Percy introduced the Flock to Tyson or as he called them bird people after seeing there wings, and Tyson and company to the Flock. Then Tyson went back to Mrs. O'Leary and came back with a big bag, which he took smaller bag from and handed one to each of us. I opened mine and inside was a jacket, a wristwatch and a bone knife with an wooden handle in a sheath for two. She put the watch on and the knife on her side by her dagger in the other slot. She was about to take of her Nemean lion jacket to try on the new jacket, but Tyson told her just put on top it. When she did the jackets melded together. It was now a gold with a large gray owl on the back and a small one on the left chest. I looked at the others. Percy got the same things as her, but his jacket was blue with green tridents instead of owls and a bronze dagger. The flock were all given the same jacket with wings on the back, a dagger and vambraces. Tyson explained to the Flock that all their jackets were bulletproof and the vambrace and daggers were light but strong, then he ask Percy and I to try out our gifts. Our jackets turn to a breastplate and a vambrace, it was incredibly light metal, well Percy's look like it was metal and coral.They were the exactly same as the jacket. there watch turn into shield with our Parents symbols in the centre and our accomplishment around the edge. Lastly our dagger, mine was the drakon sword she got from Damasen with hilt from an olive branch. I also felt more powerful with them, when she asked about it Tyson explained they were made from items from their parents domains. He also explained that there were a few more things they did like amplified our abilities and that my shield was a video shield, and our dagger could turn to a sword and mine a spear. They were also made to accommodate our wings. Percy used his new strength to heal Tyson scars as a thank you, after finding out his armour gave him and I enough of a boast to make him as invulnerable but only had it on. His from the weak form of the Achilles curse and me from the lion pelt. The flock tried to see how much the close would affect their flying and Angel was told that her cloths would grow with her, she also got really close to Ella . It took and hour in all from the time we came to the house to the time thy left. They arrive on the sport were Iggy and Nudge were thrown into the truck they turn into their 6 feet wolf form startling the flock for the fifth time to day and began there rescue mission. Us on the ground and the flock and Ella in the air.

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