Chapter 12 - New park and arrangement

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Max's P.O.V

Okay I was complicity confuses as to what was going on I mean first came the super Erasers, then the a bunch of girls with bows and arrows, then a flying guy. I know what you going to say but hew had no wings he flew like well supper man then there was the girl with horse. There all came in and smiled at Tyson then just stood there. The girls from the first group all wear dress the same the had white shirts, sliver jackets and camo pants and black combat boots with bows on they backs. There age varied from about eight to seventeen, and the all were given the guys dirty looks.Tyson told the boys not to talk to them which I thought would get them more upset but the all gave a grateful nod. One the was dress slightly different with a black punk rock shirt and a silver circlet on her head even told him thanks. Then she ran outside a guy flew down from the sky. He was blond with blue eyes same as the girl the went out to meet him but she had black spiky hair. The girl with him Cherokee with brown hair and eyes that change colour. Then there was a girl on the horse with the eagle on the shoulder. she was dark skin and brown hair like Nudge but her eyes were gold, and I mean golden. Then the eagle jump off her shoulder and before it hit the ground it turned into a buff Asian. They entered together bowed the a twelve year old in in the group of girls then smile and wave to Tyson. After a few minutes Percy, Annabeth and a four female super erasers came in looking bang up. Annabeth and Percy bowed to the same twelve year old then he cleared his throat and and spoke.

"Well it looks like everyone's here, so let,s begin. There are about. " As soon as he stopped Annabeth spoke up.

"63 of you how left The School with us More than were thought to be honest."

"And we can't place you all where we planed not that some of you would want to go. So we decided to show your options." Percy continued. Did I mention it creepy how the did that.

"Some of you have more options than others namely the girls and those with fish DNA." Annabeth took over and gave a wolf stare to those who were about to speak. "Our guess will tell you of the option they will offer and who they are offering it to any question will wait until they are done."

" Would you like to begin?" Percy asked the and the superman his group they nodded and came forward.

The Asian said his name was Frank, the girl on the horse was hazel and blond superman Jason the told us about what there camp had to offer and what it was like. Then came Percy Annabeth and Piper the girl with the multi coloured eyes. they did the same. The Percy ask Artemis if she would like to speak, after Annie explain why they let her go last it seem that there were no take back's with this one

"Hello maidens I am Artemis goddess of the hunt, moon, chastity, animals and the wilderness, and these are my hunter and sisters. My offer goes to all maidens those how accept will be given like my sister increase strength speed and hunting ability and of course eternal youth. Never ageing or getting sick." I had to say this was sounding good. "There is however a condition, just one, you must swear off men forever you can only die in battle. Those who a willing step forward." Okay forget what I said. five girls step forward and a few extras raise there hands. Percy pointed to one of them.

"Can we have some to think about it or is it a one time offer?" She asked.

"Nope." The girl with the punk top said. "we have all the time in the world you I don't know about." Then an other spoke up.

"What if you fall for a good guy? Like a really good one?" This time the goddess spoke.

"Then why will be remove from the hunt and the privileges taken, but you need not worry about that in all my year I have yet to see one of those so call good man." She stop for a second looked at Percy then corrected herself. "No I know of one but that after thousand of years, and I dough any of you ladies would give up immortality for some one you were 100% sure would do the same for you. Plus you might not have that long to live otherwise." After a few second eight more walk up, they were then they were taken outside to do gods know what and then return a shout while later to thank the flock and the two demigods

"Leaving already pine-cone face?" Percy ask the punk girl. Some of the hunters looked at him like he was crazy as they look back to their goddess but she did nothing. The girl though answered with a smile.

"Of cause not kelp-head why were you beginning to miss me." He smiled back and said.

"Why did you go somewhere Thalia?" He asked innocently. She then turn on him ready to give a sharp reply and I was starting to thing this was the norm for them. When they were stop by surprisingly Artemis.

"Please don't start this again. We had enough last time." She said holding the bridge of her nose.

"Tell her/him that." the said in unionism. Then glared at each other and I mean death glare, then started laughing. Annie looked at us and said.

"You'll get use to it use to it." She said simply. Then Angel looked at the goddess and asked.

"Why don't you look at Percy the the other guys? You I don't know treat him better." She pointed out.

"Like I said he is the one in his species that has proven him self to good. I will admit I thought him like all the others but he has proven other wise. His also respect my hunter and treats maidens with the respect due. I have seen many a maidens give up immortality for a male, but he is the first man I have seen to refuse immortality for a maiden, and even willingly go to hell for her." Said person though had already lost interests in the topic and was on his fourth slice of pizza. When he realize that everyone's eyes on him he looked up and said one word.


Annabeth's P.O.V

We were ready two leave after the flock thirty minutes after they left, when a couple of things happen. 1)Chiron called and told use we need to get to camp he would explain there and the told him about the escapes.2) Then the super easer as the flock called them keep following them like well lost puppies and the female fought with me. I won and they accepted me as there alpha female. I thought it was for Percy but it turn out the just didn't want to fallow some one weaker than them. 3) Then after the finally accepted the an the pack the realize the could no longer go into Lupa's territory unannounced being an other pack and all. So I did some quick thinking and came up with a way tog give everyone a choice. At present I was looking at Percy in complete disbelief he was just complimented by Artemis the man hating goddess but missed it on account of him being hungry. After we separated everyone in three groups we had 32 for camp Jupiter, 18 for camphalf-blood 13 new hunters. It was also decided the flock would come with us. And after some good buy ans see you later we all went our separated ways. Hunters on foot, Romans on giant eagles and Greeks on pegasi. With a few exception of course. With the flock holding the pegasi tail to keep up with there speed until we reach camp. We and our 35 companions that was the 18 escapees the super eraser and the flock all made our way to the big house unsure what was wrong.

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