Chapter 17 - The final battle

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Max's P.O.V

After we got Annabeth we had everyone suit up. It took us about forty-five minutes for every one to get ready, the more experience at the front as we matched down to the battle. After fifteen minutes of matching we reach our destination. The Flock and I were flying over head and were the first to see the battle well Iggy was first but you get the point. We move as silently until we were close as possibly then charged at the army not giving them time to react. It was a good thing there were no one close by cause we would have a lot of explaining to do. The battle went our way quite easily but that was probably thanks to our element of surprise. though a those at the outer end of the circle had time to see us coming we had our fastest at the front saw the barely had time to ark thanks to Malcolm's plan hard worked like a charm. the Ares cabin then had taken the lead plus the Apollo cabin were arrows' already hitting the monster before we clash adding to the confusion. It didn't take long before it was at a stand still. put just before it looked like the School was going to get some ground they Malcolm signal us to let the bombs drop as as such take control of the battle again. As the Ares cabin struck again, but the Flock and I were unable to pay attention of the battle as we had our own fight to worry about. The bomb got the attention of the monster we were flying above, even those that could fight as we were much higher than them. As I saw they were closing in I spoke.

"Drop." As soon as the words left my mouth we all tuck in our wings and dropped out of the sky like rock shooting pass them. Slashing as we pass turning several as we pass by, turn them in to gold dust fast than they could shout. We continued to fall and the remember were hot on our tail. We Fang, Iggy and I through the rest of our greek fire bombs as we fell at the monster following us until the were next to them cause we had the most strength and we needed them as high as possible then at the last possible second we flew forward. At that moment the Apollo cabin shot at the bomb blowing them up and causing the monster that were air born to either crash into the monsters below our burn. We were now the only one in the air so we used that advantage to look for Percy and Annabeth we spotted them flew in circles saw the rest of the army knew too, took out our bows and arrows off our back and began to fire as did cabin 9 with there bazooka that fired greek fire and as a jacked up Leo did the same all natural. As for Percy and Annabeth they were in a tornado which when end shored four refreshed demigods ready for action. The use the second time the gain to put the two younger kids on the back turned into the wolf form and ran to the demigods at top speed. We flew above them firing at any one that got to close and in no time they were back to the safety of friends. I thought they were going to say fall back but they just kept on fighting. after a while Annabeth fell back to her siblings as did the two that came with them. then came the switch. Tyson and army I guess took over after a while the fell back then came the Therians. The shifts ensuring we could fight indefinitely. By the time cabin five came back the enemy was all but destroyed. The bodies of the School solider were taken and burnt human and robot alike, though it didn't that long as there was still greek fire in some spots on the battle field. When all was taken care of we left the dead monsters already dust, though I learnt later on that most were weak as the powerful would never follow mortals. Most were Canadians, Harpies and Dracanae. We went back to camp with the two Therians that died in the fight and the one demigod.

Third Person P.O.V.

The were sure they had those for cornered and it would have been a quick kill so there experiment ran towards them but the monster stayed bark many have felt there blade and knew that the survived Tartarus it self. The Whitecoat gave a few word of encouragement that got them moving but the first set never got to swing at the demigods, neither did the second up to the seventh set. The eighth did only to see there attack bounce of the demigods skin. The Whitecoats did not know how to react to this. They had thought that Dr. Almond was exaggerating her excuse and now they didn't know how to proceed. This lost them valuable time and gave the demigods time to rest though they did not realize at the time. When the moral was back up a good eight minutes had pass and the Demigod had manage to move them self into a narrow spot between to trees and even resting on the bark. Then the fighting began again The four fought well. and the younger two were placed between the two older. The school was finally able get the demigods away from the tree but it coast them at lease forty soldiers and about twenty minutes. The two older would purposely put them self in the way of a blow to protect the young one but unfortunately that did not happen very. The scientist that had never been in a war before were get angry at the amount of time it was taking to get four demigods and ordered more forces on them at the same time. This of cause meant that there was left space to move witch only made the task easier for the four. By the time they realise there mistake it had been just above forty minutes since Annabeth made her call and the two younger demigods were already getting tired. They had no idea why they had spared longer than this at least two hours worth. At an fifty minutes the could bearably hold up the so Annabeth told them to have a small piece of ambrosia and with that the were back in action. That only lasted about three minutes till the execution began creep in again, but there were told to push through it and they would need it for later if the wanted to survived. At this point things were looking up for the school cause even the older demigods were looking a bit tired. Though Percy and Annabeth hand a few tricks up there sleeve the problem was not the fight in an of it self but that they needed to protect Bobby and Judy. They were even bleeding a bit yes they were almost invincible there was a limit unlike the river it self after a curtain amount it weakens along with there strength. Just when the felt were about to win the Whitecoats were met with screams of pain from behind them and in the moment of confusion the the four demigods attacked with renewed strength given everything the could they as the push forward. The School was now being attacked by a force of two hundred the first attack taking about forty of there men and two Whitecoats from arrows alone. Then came the first wave the the an other. The monster and Whitecoats were unsure what to do the were an hour in and over 300 men dead and the number was climbing fast them came. The School fought desperately to win until the bombs and the made it then there number one priority to get the four they had cornered they look to be on the last legs. Just as the were about to get them ground the earth shook and a tornado surrounded them and when it dropped they were as good as new. From there things went down hill even quicker with the green fire that would not go out, the wolves and of cause The Flock. Soon the battle was over and The School no longer had a foot hole in america.

After the fight the few survivors told us the last location and with each which brought in more campers. On the bright side things were going great with Bobby and Judy as the got to see there sibling. And after a week of camp the four left again for school. Which Annabeth refuse to miss. Thing fell into place quite quickly after that.

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