Chapter 16 - More than we expected

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Third person P.O.V

In the three weeks after school opened the camp Half-Blood had revived eighteen new demigods, destroyed three of their facility was now pass getting crowded with the over Fifty something Therians we also had gotten. The School as it turns out was not use to have to go against a organize forced with as much influence as them or an army before. Max was impress with what she saw and finally understood what Piper had said before.The entire camp was like a well oiled machine, even with out leaders. We had the Hades, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Hypnos cabins were in charge of get info on The School. The Ares, Nemesis and Nike cabin saw to our offence and so on The Apollo, Hephaestus, Tyche and Hecate cabin on defence. As for provisions we had the Demeter, Dionysus, Phonephone, and Hebe cabin. Lastly the Athena and Iris cabins were our head of operations and information relay respectively.Though the stepped in to other roles when needed but those were there main ones. The Stoll realized very quickly that thing were so easy because The School under estimated us. So the Athena cabin use the knowledge to there advantage and speeded up operations before their mistake was realized. As for the Therians, were separated by individual talent and not groups because Max realized that the were more diverse in set stills, The flock included. The Pack were out looking for demigods with the satyrs and with were the only exception. As for the Romans they were doing equal as well if not better taking down five School buildings and had half of there Whitecoats as prisoners. They did although have the same problem as us so we were unable to send any one to them.

~~Line~ break~~

Two weeks had pass after the scene the resistance at the Blofis home had increase. Bobby's mom Lacy had regain consciousness three days after brought her home and was now back in top condition thanks to Will from the Apollo cabin. Lucy and Sally got along great now and she look to Sally for not only experience about raising a demi-god. Bobby and Judy were happy but drained though they were doing better in school and and sports. Annabeth and Percy pushed them to the limits. Anne on the other hand was never happier both for her self and her little sister. She would never get use to say that, she had a little sister. Annabeth and Percy on the other had couldn't believe there arrangement lasted that long. I mean it wasn't a complicated deal Bobby would not leave his mother while she was still injured and Judy had just got a big sister, so they both wanted to stay a bit longer. Sally came up with the idea that since this place was protected from monster also the could say and train until school closed or something Major happen and it was no longer safe. And after two weeks things were going grate for them the were aloud to go out but Annabeth, Percy, Mrs. O'Leary or S. Bob had to come along. As for He was taken to camp half blood with Nico when he dropped Will by for Lucy. The school all acted like Alex and the rest of the exchange students never happened, well all but Sloan cause Percy 'might have forgotten to whip his memory. He and Annabeth though left school quite frequently for those two weeks as back up for the few extraction as the camp pick up the paste. The was also a time the had to break in a location to find three heroes the school caught Something Anne found strange but so was Her uncle signing over guardianship to the Blofis. The demi-god couple trained the new comers in every day before school and after. Then training was great for Bobby he flourish under the constant sparing, which made sense seeing as his dad was Ares. As for Judy, she made the plants flourish. Bobby did great with every weapon but he was best with a sword, Judy was a scythe which she use for both fighting and harvesting. Percy and Annabeth also notice a few thing changing about them, like the tattoos on their back was fading and the felt more powerful with every passing day. The always felt more powerful with their jackets on but as of late the began to notice that when they took them of a little of that power stayed with them. Then there was there wolfed form, it was getting bigger at first it was only six feet now they were half a foot taller and were still growing. Not that they were complaining the needed all the power the got. The four demigods were now after all speeding down the long island road with several monster and School employees on there tail and several a head of them. The two knew demigods were scared and there face showed it, Annabeth was on the phone with her sibling. Percy slammed on the breaks and the car and the four jumped out before they could stop. Each had there weapons out and the two younger demigods were placed at the back of the older. How did a simple dive to home get this far. Percy had no idea. One minute you diving the next you realize you being fallowed, then lastly being chased. The were surrounded and there was no way they could survive for more an hour there was at lease 400 monsters and about 600 Therians from The School and was no body of water to draw strength from.

"We need to hold them of for an hour seaweed brain. That's how long it will take for them to get ready and get here." Annabeth said as she placed her phone in her pocket and handed us each a piece of ambrosia and told us to call if we need nectar. Percy nodded understanding two war teaching to never lax he force for any reason. Then the first monster the battle began.


The Whitecoats did not think it possible. The were curtain when they were able the get the monster to join them that they had already won. They were up against teenagers for crying out loud. And they knew all about teenagers. They thought they were invisible, that they knew it all and these were half god so they were probably more arrogant. It took them three week after beginning their operation's to realize how wrong they were. For one they did not take into a count those that had already grown and the positions they held. Secondly the fail to see that they were the arrogant ones and they opponent were being lead by veterans of two wars. Lastly those teenagers had long since come to terms with the mortally and had divine knowledge of war and victory on there side. Things were defiantly not going as expected. The School had thought that the monster were just being cowardly when they told them about Alpha 1 and 2 really were half decided to leave quickly. And if that was not bad enough that the were now completely destroyed by the group in California. There was only one thing they could do now. They got all there remain forces and decided to attack them right a there camp as the half breeds called it. It was the Idea of Miss Almond to use the same force to take Alpha 1 & 2 with that force first then move to the rest. The Fallowed them as discrete as possible but some how they still spotted us. had already lost Alex on of our best agents. So we decided to corner them and get ready wipe them all out. We had over a thousand forces and they had four we were curtian we could take them out in time or atlease some of us were. Dr. Almond not so much she had seen what they could do, but The School would not listen when they pray was so close. She had done research on these demigod and she knew that the were not the predtor they were the prey. So the moment she saw they were notice she told them to pull back, but that was not what the head wanted and with the demigods now they were trapped the attacked.

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