Chapter 5 - results and flight

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Max's P.O.V

My mother went over to fang to make sure he would be okay, then turn to Percy and Annabeth and began to drown them in questions, like how they did that, or how long the had the wings for and so on. most of which they had no idea about. Then after finding out that they just got their wings today her questions change. "Okay can you explain how you feel right now? For example any change to your body you might have notice. Do you feel tried like you need to sleep?"

"Well our sight has in prove greatly so has our other senses especial our sense smell. As of right now I still feel week and I would love to sleep cause I exhausted." Annabeth replied while looking at her wings again as to make sure they were still there.

"What she said also if we could snack on some thing and take a bath. That would be great." Percy added. My mother nodded but added before going to the kitchen

"I would also like to take some blood samples. If you okay with it of course. Just to make sure there's no ugly surprises and if they is I might be able to help you deal with them." She added quickly.

"Yea sure." Was Percy response and Annabeth simply nodded. Mom disappeared into the kitchen and Percy began to move to the door.

"Where are you going?" Angel asked following him closely.

"To take our bags out of the car you want to come?" he asked smiling down at her. She nodded quickly and ran out the door. "Great a little birdie told me you were stronger than a fully grown man."

"Why do you have Bags of clothes in your car?" She asked him by the door as he reach her.

"I told you we were going to stay with my mom in New York for a while."

"Oh. Can I see her?" She said with pleading eyes. Ouch I been on the receiving end of those thing and there almost impossible to say no to. Percy handed her a picture from his wallet. "She pretty, but meant in your head" Angel replied

"He finally met his match." Said Annabeth next to me. When I looked at her confuse she explain. "It's just as hard to say no to when his pleading. It took me years to lean to say no to it, and its steal difficult. He look just like a baby seal."

"So are you ever going to tell how your car appeared at the parking lot from all the way in Kentucky?" I try for answers once again

"Are you sure you want to know. Even if it puts you and your flock in even greater danger. Max we aren't here to hurt you or any member of your family. We didn't even know of you until we met you in The School. But what we do know could put you in a world that is too dangerous for you. And before you get offended think on the fact that Percy and I just escape the school after being experimented on and we shrugged it off like it was nothing. And do you want to know the sad part?" She asked me and I simply nodded. "I'm not trying to act strong, I really don't see it as that big of a deal. Can you imagine what we had to go through that this is a small issue for us? I'm not trying to belittle what you accomplished Max, but I would love to have that little to worry about. Have you ever heard of Pandora box?" again I nodded. "Well it was actually a Pithos but that not the point. The point that some boxes aren't meant to be open. You may be unfortunate enough to open that box now that you met us, but when you do you'll wish you hadn't. Max you have to save the world once. We've already had to do it twice." With that she left to see what Percy was doing leaving me to think on what I just heard. The worst part is I don't thing she was lying.

The rest of the day was well uneventful for the most part. Fang woke up found out on what happen while he was out and apologize to Percy and Annabeth. We showered which seem to do wanderers for Percy,we ate, Ella came home from school. She was introduce to the new guesses and my mom went to her office at work. The couple fell asleep.Then of cause Nudge woke up.

Percabeth and the flockWhere stories live. Discover now