Chapter 6 - monster & wolves

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Annabeth's P.O.V

Three days, that's how long it took Nudge to heal and get airborne again. She did remember being told that the flock healing faster than normal people but to bounce back from four bullet wounds in four days. It was difficult learn the flock way of life but one thing was for sure there was never a boring day. After the little explanation and trip to the air the flock was a lot more lax in the need to understand her and Percy. Though she suspected it had a little something to do with Max telling them what she said before their sit and talk. They spent most of there time flying or practising Hand to hand combat, well she did teach them how to use a dagger correctly and Angel and Nudge seem to have a hunger for knowledge worthy of Athena which she was happy to teach. Percy on the other hand help teach the Gazzy and surprisingly Iggy how to use a sword and she guess they were okay not good okay. There were also a number of interesting thing that they found out over those few days. There was when she found out that the heart beat would change from the speed of the flock when the wings were out, to that of a normal human when in tattoo form. Also Percy found out how to wolf while have a four on one with some of the flock members. We basically get more muscular with larger canines and look slightly more wolfish as Percy put it. Though the changes are more prominent on him, but our strength increase four folds and sense of smell two. He taught her how to trigger change, it was aggravation seeing as he did it while losing to the flock. It took a few days but we were able to control it well it took me one day. Then there was something I was curious about and had it confirmed two days after our first flight. Percy seemed to have a weaken version of the curse of Achilles, he was hard to hurt and cut. it was possible just harder. They also leant that they could fly as fast as a pegasus for a short while, and she figured why Percy could fly with out get hit by lightning. She guessed if if pegasi were neutral territory the Percy with pegasus wings would be too,but just to be safe the prayed and burnt offering to Zeus.

It has been four days since the arrive at Dr. Martinez and she, Percy and Iggy were on their way back from buying lunch for the flock, and let her just say those bird kids stomach were empty holes. they ate consumed three to four hundred calories a day. Hers and Percy calories intake were no were that high. Then again they had to six limbs to transport energy to 24/7 while they only had six when needed. They made small talk as the drove when Percy said something when a block away that made her tense up.

 "You Know i just realize that we haven't seen a single monster in over two months." As soon as the words came of their old friend the Minotaur came up behind them.

"Hades seaweed brain you just had to jinx it!" She shouted back at him. Why was he such a seaweed brain sometimes. She turn to look at Iggy at almost like he could sense her eye on him, he asked.It was kind of uncanny.

"What wrong? Is there something follow us? Is it The School?" She wished it was as she saw two 'snake haired bat wings grandma' fly down to them. Crap Percy was rubbing off on her.

"Yes, but it's not The School Iggy. They're form our neck of the words. Percy Two Gorgons at closing in fast." She told him as she buckled back into her sit.

"Okay now I regret opening my big mouth." He said under his breath as he swerved to avoid the Minotaur.

"You and me both." She replied did he forget she had acute hearing. the reach the house to find It over run with about thirty eraser. Great just great. I turn to Percy when I saw one of the erasers get Angel, and his face was full of concentration the there was loud pop and the sprinklers came alive

Max's P.O.V

I didn't see how we got surrounded us so quickly or that we were surrounded until we were. It was just after twelve on a week day. So the good new my mom and sister were not home. Bad news the street was deserted because no body was either, we couldn't fly away because there were erasers also in the air. We were fighting for our life in a tight circle to ensure were not attack from the back. I was able to keep close to Angel in the first few minutes before I had the wind knock out by a strong kick to the gut and while I was regaining my footing a and other dog face had grabbed her baby again.

"Max help!" shouted Angel from across the yard, and I knew I would be unable get to her in time. every step the mutt took further away from broke my heart. Then there was a pop and water from the sprinklers and pipes shot out. One hit the eraser holding Angel with such force it knock him off his feet a freeing Angel in the process. The rest did the same to every eraser on the ground and some in the sky. Some how Angel made her way to us with out getting push back by the water, it was like it was helping her... no us. We fallowed her back into the house. Shortly after entered Annabeth, Iggy and Percy who had a look of concentration on his face. Annabeth told us to pack up which we did as she gave Nudge some powder (Unicorn horn shaving) and water to drink and then helped us park. Then she did the same for her and Percy.I looked out the window and caught my breath. The water had died down only hit those that got to close but that not what scared me. It was the Bull-man and snake head grannies that knocking the erasers around like they were kids. 

"What are those things." I asked cause there is no way the were made by The School. No one could control those things. 

"Our monster." Annabeth said calmly. How could she be calm right now.

"That's what you run from." I asked in disbelief.

"That's what we fight." Percy corrected. with a smile on his face. "Good plan by the way wise girl. there killing the dog men and tiring them self out."

"How do you fight that and live?" I look at them, the flock looking out the window in shock. He just shrugs  

"I win." Was his obvious answer.

"When it like that?" I pointed to the rampaging beast.

"No last time he had a huge axe. " He said like that made it better.

"This no time for discussions." Annabeth interrupts."Max Do you still what to open the box after seeing that.?" She points out side. "Cause it gets worst a lot worst." I looked back outside there were worst than that. "We leaving through the back." She said with out waiting for my answer. The flock were already head to the back door, I followed and as soon we were out side we took a running start and leapt in the air and we were off. We flew fast with the wind to our back 

"So Percy. How did you do that with the water?" Ask Angel after a few minutes in the air.

"It's a Skill I was born with." he answered.

"Well thank you. You saved me." She replied

"It's what we do." And I don't know how he made it sound humble.

Percabeth and the flockWhere stories live. Discover now