Chapter 7 - A flock, A pack, An army

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Percy's P.O.V

He knew exactly what was wrong with his wise girl, he felt it too. He also knew what to do to fix it and every other problem they had at the moment. He and Annabeth were currently thirty feet below the ocean surface and moving fast. Its' been ten day since they left Dr. Martinez home and though their time with the flock had been great they could not stay. It was just to dangerous, in the ten days the spent flying together they've been attacked over fifteen times by monster and only once by erasers. They could handle it just fine but they knew they were putting the flock in danger. Plus they didn't fit in with their way of life, they were demigods after all. Something they needed to hide from the flock for their on safety, which was hard to do when you were under constant attack. If that was not enough of a reason lets remember that they were 2% bird yes, but they were also 4% wolf. The flock meant well, but suppressing their wolf side was not ending well. They were getting irritable, snapping at everyone the more they went against they inner wolf and just running was not helping. The needed a pack. They did learn a lot from them but that was only about their bird aspect. So he and Annabeth help improve there self-defence in against the erasers by fight as one. Then found the perfect sport for the flock to live and hide. Now they live in a well hidden large cave on a cliff two hundred feet above the ocean and a large forest a hundred above the cave in California. So even if the cave was found they could escape the safety of the ocean, now that every member could breath under water. Even he and Annabeth had gills, though his was not needed. He was glad Jason told him about it. They told the flock they would be back with a permanent. As for where they were going, it was a place that met all they needs Camp Jupiter. Well camp (Camp Half-blood) was Annabeth's idea but he thought of Lupa and he pointed out they were too far away. They could to learn to be wolves with Lupa in her pack, and if things went right so could the flock could train to fight with the legion and the giant eagles. He just didn't know if they could wait.

He walked in front of the seven feet tall wolf with red fur and silver eyes known as Lupa and knelt with Annabeth standing a good distance away. "Lupa mother of Romulus and Remus I Percy Jackson son of Neptune come asking a request." he says looking her directly in her eyes.

"Speak demigod" She replied. So I lets my wolf aspect show and begins to explains, never taking my eye off hers as not to seem weak willed. After a few seconds silence after he finish she goes over to Annabeth, and I prayed she remember not to show fear to Lupa. Lupa then walks back pass me. "Welcome to the pack Annabeth Chase and welcome back Perseus Jackson."

Training with Lupa and her pack was hard. Annabeth and I had to remain in our wolf form just to keep up, and as the days went on we notice some changes to us. Fur began to grow all over us and though apart form that our body did change outwardly we were getting stronger and faster. After two weeks our senses began improve, to the point we could smell gods, monster and demigods even who their godly parent was. We could see better in the dark, hear further and better and wise girl could pin point the exact sport the sound the noise was coming from even aim by ear. She claimed it came from the her owl DNA though. We also began hunt with the pack learning to track by smell and hearing, (we learnt to do it by sight our-selves) be it monsters or for food. And though we did still use our weapons, cooked our food, Annabeth even got better at sewing see as our close got ripped constantly, she did also learnt how the park operate and perfected her wolf stare, we were basically wolves in a furry human bodies with claws and fangs.

That however all changed on the third week. We were fighting the Nemean lion and losing, the cat was fast. And the other wolves were only capable annoying it. They were only slightly bigger than normal wolves and the lion was the size of Lupa and with an invulnerable pelt . So Lupa, Annabeth and I were the only ones able to do any damage to it. Lupa with her paws and us with our fist and kicks. As we fought I felt burning sensation all over my body then my vision became sharper and wider and I was standing on my hands and feet. No paws. The monster lung at me while I was daze, but was tackled by a large wolf. A six feet tall wolf with golden fur with gray eyes look straight at me confused. 'Annabeth' its gray eyes looked just like her's. Before I could think on it the lion was back on it feet and pounced towards us. I move quickly biting its front paw while it was still in the air causing it to lose it balance then I pinned it to the ground. Then the gold fur wolf came and bit down on its throat. I first thought she was trying to bit though it but realize she was strangling it. The monster stopped struggling under our combine weight and began to dissolved living only it's gold pelt behind. The new wolf came up to me and lick me snout. I looked into her eyes, Annabeth's eyes I realized. I ran to a large puddle and look at my refection, and a black fur and green eye wolf looked back. We were now both six feet tall wolves. When I turned back to Lupa she had a look of pride as she examining us. We spent the rest of the week getting use to our new body, and changing between forms. When Lupa was satisfy with our current state she gave us her blessing and Annabeth the lion pelt after an other month of train. We left the pack and flew to camp Jupiter.Glade that stretch my wings for just a few minutes a day. We landed on the the other end of the Tiber river. We enter and went straight to the Senate house and waited for an ordinance with the Praetors. Frank was the first to enter followed shortly by Reyna.

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