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Edited 01-02-2016

This dream again... Always the same one, always with the same boy and old man. I don't know them because I've never seen them in my life before, but I feel something strange inside of me every time I look at the black haired boy. He looks so much like me that it gets weirder by the minute. He can't be older than me, thirteen seems like his age, just like mine. He's a lot taller than me, but that's easy. I'm pretty short, but besides that, he could be my long lost twin. Same black hair and big green eyes.

It's a library or an office I guess, with huge bookshelves filled with books. They are organized by color and size, so it starts with a smaller one and ends with one that looks like the Bible mom keeps inside her bedside table. A black and old hat sits on a chair apart from the rest of the room, and seems to be humming to itself, which is weird because hats can't speak. Well, this is a dream so I guess everything can happen.

The man is sitting on a secretary, and looks at the boy with worried eyes. Maybe the boy is in trouble and the man is trying to help him. He has long white hair and beard, that almost reaches the ground. I don't know why, but a sense happiness fills my insides. I realize that I'm in the room with them, but they don't seem to notice me. I'm just standing beside the boy, trying to make him see me, while waving my hands in front of him. But nothing... it's like I'm not really there or they are just ignoring me. Both options are disturbing in many different ways.

I look at the boy and see him crying silently, trying to cover his tears with his hair, but it isn't long enough and the man notices. He stands and gives the boy a hug. The poor boy starts crying even harder and my heart starts to break with each sob. I don't know why but I feel a connection between us.

The man leaves the boy and sits again in front of the table. He stares at the boy again and waits for him to stop crying. He eventually stops and asks the man about his sister. So that's why he's so sad. Maybe his sister is missing or sick or maybe going through a rough time. Poor him, being so worried about her.

"I haven't found her yet, but we can't lose our hope. She's somewhere out there. I know it because I left her with a very trustworthy couple. They were your parents' friends, so we can trust them. They have to move around every now and then because of the Dark Lord. He's after her as well, she's the girl who survived after all, so she's as important as you. Don't give up, Harry." The man says to the boy. Now I actually know his name. And I understand that this isn't like the other dreams.

Usually, they end as soon as the boy asks for his sister, so I never know what the man answers or what happened to her. Now I know that she's somehow missing and they are trying to find her.

I feel like someone is watching me, so I turn to find a noseless man looking at me with malice shining in his face. I should be afraid but I'm not. I feel like it's my duty to protect the man and Harry from the stranger. He smiles at me and says something in a different language that I somehow understand. It's a combination of sounds that resemble the snake's hissings.

"Do you understand me?" He asks. The only thing I can do is nod. He seems pleased and continues. "I'm Voldmeort. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm the one sending you this every night. The dream is supposed to teach you a lesson. Look at the boy and find out the truth."

With this he starts to fade. I don't move, because I'm glued to the floor and petrified. "I've finally found you. Now you should really run, because when I find you, I'm going to kill you. Goodbye, Lilith Potter." He adds before disappearing.

I wasn't paying attention to the other people in the room, that seem oblivious to the exchange of words behind them (even though only this Voldemort guy spoke).

Harry stands and says one last sentence to the man. "I'm going to find her, even if it's the last thing I do in my life." He runs out of the room. The man slowly stands and goes to the window. He looks up to the stars and whispers "I hope you're alive, Lilith Potter. For your brother's sake, I hope I can find you."


I wake up sweating and on the floor. How I fell, I don't know, but I feel my scar burn like hell. When I was four, I was walking around the house with a glass of water in my hand. I was supposed to give it to dad, but I ended up falling and a piece of glass pierced my forehead, leaving me with a scar with the form of a lightning bolt. I think it is kinda cool because I can tell the story behind it in many different ways.

But today is one of the nights when it burns and tries to burst out of my skin. As usual, I get up and rub it with the product my mom bought me for the pain. It usually works but today it only makes the pain worse. I stop and walk back to my bed.

That's when I realize what the man said in my dream. "I've finally found you. Now you should really run, because when I find you, I'm going to kill you. Goodbye, Lilith Potter". A sense of fear overcomes me as I start shivering. It's June, so it isn't that cold that I need to close the window, but I'm feeling pretty scared and decide to close it. I close the window, but not before seeing a shadow outside. It looks exactly like the Voldemort guy from my dream. I scream and run to my parents room. That shadow scared the shit out of me.

And since this day, I've never dreamed about the dark haired Harry and the two unknown men that somehow felt so familiar to me.


Well hello there! I know, I'm starting a Harry Potter fanfiction!!! (Time to clap your hands and dance). I wanted to publish this yesterday because I wanted it to be a birthday gift for my  friend, but couldn't finish it.

latebutfate this is for you! Sorry for not doing it yesterday but you already know...

Comment, vote and enjoy!!!

Love you all @@Rita@@



Hello ladies! And germs.

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