Chapter 12

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Edited 05-02-2016

Lilith's POV

I don't want to get up... I don't wanna!! Okay, now I sound like a child. I just don't want to listen to all the fifth years talking about a ball I'm not attending, about dresses and dates and all those stupid things I wish I could talk about as well... But I can't because I'm not going.

And last night I woke up around three am and couldn't sleep, so I wrote this list.


1) I don't have a date
2) I don't have a dress
3) I can't dance
4) I don't want to go alone
5) I'm afraid of falling in front of everyone
6) I can't sleep so I wrote this and now I want to go to bed. Bye.

I know, what a shame. I don't want to know what I would have done if there was someone awake as well. I'm kind of a mess right now, and I think that my friends don't need to be around me. So I decide that staying here is the best for all of us.

There's a knock on the door and I don't even try to open it and see who is on the other side. Maybe one of the guys wants to talk to the girls here, I really don't care. There's a knock again and again, and I'm getting so angry right now that I can feel my hair turning blonde once again. This happens when I'm mad or sad, but when I'm sad my hair turns white. I love being like this, I can change my appearance whenever I want, but sometimes it's a little bad, because people understand my mood while looking at my hair or eyes. And yes, my eyes change too. When I'm sad they turn blue, and when I'm angry they become a bright shade of red. So don't piss me off.

I have to learn how to control this. I'll start tomorrow or something.

"Lil, it's me, Hermione. Come out please." Oh, Hermione. And I forgot to tell you that I locked the door and I don't think they will be able to open it. My spells are stronger than theirs. "I know you locked the door, and I can't open it, believe me, I've tried." I giggle at this. Maybe I'll let her in.

"I'll only let you come if you promise not to be too loud." I say, and I know she heard me because she whispers "Pinky promise." near the door. I shake my fingers for two seconds and the door opens. I can conjure spells without my wand and silent spells are easy for me too. Hermione sits on my bed next to me and there's a huge package on her hands. I know what it is, but I just look at it and ask "What's that Mione?"

She stares at me for a few seconds and reopens it for me to see what's on the inside. When she does so, the dress she loved yesterday lays on her hands. I fake gasp, like I-wasn't-expecting-this-to-happen-at-all gasp, but she caught me right there. I called her Mione, and I only do it when I want to piss her off or when I'm lying or hiding something. So she knows I am the one who send her the dress.

"Lilith, why would you do it? Why didn't you buy your dress instead? You spent your money with me instead of buying a dress for you. Why would you do it?" I can't believe she asked me that. Why would I do it?

"Hermione, you're my best friend. You have a date already, you're going to the ball, you can't go without a dress, and when you tried it you looked like a real princess, even more stunning than usual. You go and have fun with Ron and tell me about it when it's over." She gasps when I finish and I don't get why she did it.

"You're not going?" She yells/whispers. She does that really well. "Don't even think you're staying here by yourself. You're coming with Ron and me if no one asks you by Friday night. And today is Wednesday, so all the guys will be lining to ask you out, you'll see." She hugs me and leaves the room.

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