Chapter 29

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Edited 29/06/2016

Lilith's POV

We fly around the school grounds, we pass Hogsmeade and I can see the mountains that surround it. Where are we going? I've never been to the Ministry, so I have to trust the other ones. I just hope we don't get lost or anything. We keep flying, flying and flying, until we finally see the lights of Muggle houses.

What if we arrive and it's already too late? What if Sirius is dead already? What if we are all going to die there? I'm too young to die, I haven't done anything yet. My scar has been hurting since we left Umbridge's office, and it's irritating me! Why is Voldemort trying to hurt me? Does he think that I'll give up just because he's trying to make my life painful? Okay, the stress is making me paranoid.

My legs are numb because of all this flying and my body is cold and stuff. But I have to keep going, for Sirius. My Thestral points towards the ground with his head and starts descending. I look around and see the other Thestrals doing the same, so I hope his is a normal thing. The lights turn bigger and bigger, as we get closer to the ground. When we are almost hitting the pavement, the Thestrals touch the ground and land. Like, in seconds. And it was perfect!

"Never again." Ron mumbles as we all leave our Threstals. I imagine how hard it was for him, not being able to see it while flying on it. "Never, ever again... That was the worst..."

Hermione and Ginny take Ron's arms and help him. Both of them landed gracefully compared to Rom, but I think they share the same feeling of relief. Flying on something without being able to see it's terrifying.

"Where do we go from here, then?" Hermione asks Harry.

"Over here." He says. He gives his Thestral a quick, grateful pat, then leads the way quickly to the battered telephone box and opens the door. Well, this is not what I expected. I have to admit that I thought it would be super hard to get in and that we would have to kick some ass before entering. My life is over... Nah, just kidding.

"Come on!" He tells us, as some of them hesitate.

Ron and Ginny march in obediently, while Hermione, Neville and Luna squash themselves in after them; Harry and I were the first ones to enter, and he takes one glance back at the Thestrals, now foraging for scraps of rotten food.

"Whoever's nearest the receiver, dial six two four four two!" He says, and guess what?! I'm the one closest to the dial. So I do as he said and a female voice sounds inside the box.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

"Harry Potter, Lilith Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood... We're here to save someone, unless your Ministry can do it first!"

"Thank you." The cool female voice says. "Visitors, please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes."

Half a dozen badges slide out of the metal thing where coins are received. Hermione picks them up and handed them mutely to Harry over Ginny's head. He glances at the top one. It says 'Harry Potter, Rescue Mission.' Mine says the same thing, but with my name attached to it.

"Visitors to the Ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wands for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the Atrium."

"Fine!" Harry says loudly, as my scar gives another throb. "Now can we move?"

The floor of the telephone box shudder and the pavement rises up past its glass windows, blackness closing over our heads and with a dull grinding noise we sink down into the depths of the Ministry of Magic.

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